
【文字起こし】2024.1.27 ざっくり解説:コロナワクチンDNA汚染問題~専門用語なしでもわかる!~全部カリコ博士のせいだった?/ふう子 @corowaku_memo

🌈 解説:ふう子 @corowaku_memo

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Hello everyone. I'm Fuko.
In this video, I will give you a brief explanation about DNA contamination in vaccines and what the problem is in the first place, without using technical jargon.


This video is recommended for people who have been avoiding the DNA contamination issue because it seems too difficult, don't even know what they don't know, or don't have a sense of reality, and will give you a quick, easy-to-understand overview.


Table of contents.
1. What is DNA contamination ?
2. Why is it a problem ?
3. Why is it contaminated ?




Now, let's talk about the first one, what is DNA contamination? The word 'contamination' means 'pollution' or 'mixing'.
'DNA contamination' is also referred to as 'plasmid-gating'. 'Plasmid' refers to the plasmid of E. coli, and the corona vaccine is manufactured using the plasmid of E. coli. It is suspected that it was mixed in the vaccine, hence the term 'gate', which means 'suspicion' or 'jail'. For example, the 'Watergate scandal'. We also say 'Plasmidgate' in that sense.



The term 'DNA contamination problem' is an abbreviation of many words. Descriptively, it is 'the problem of vaccines being contaminated by residual DNA with artificial sequences derived from the vaccine'. 'Artificial sequence' refers to 'the blueprint for making the spike protein'.

So it is not at all about 'there is DNA in food' or 'humans have DNA from the start, so vaccine-derived DNA is fine'.


The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Report of Deliberation Results) also states that 'residual template DNA is appropriately controlled by the specifications and test methods of the drug substance'.


Therefore, both the MHLW and PMDA are aware that 'template DNA, i.e. DNA derived from vaccines, needs to be properly managed'.


In reality, however, some lots of vaccine contained residual template DNA above the threshold, which means that it was a lie (not properly controlled).



And secondly, why is it a problem? If you had known that the vaccine contained DNA, would you have been vaccinated? I think they mentioned something like, 'mRNA doesn't remain in your body, so it's safe, so it's safe to inoculate you.' In fact, it does remain...


The Gakken manga also contains incorrect information that mRNA breaks down and disappears quickly...


COV-Navi also said in a YouTube video that mRNA would be gone in two to three days. So 80% of the population was vaccinated without worry, that's how it happened. There is also a history of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is a DNA vaccine, being very unpopular in Japan.


As for 'what is the real problem?', the first thing is that the person vaccinated might get cancer or other diseases. It was revealed that the Japanese lot was actually contaminated as well. Here (bottom right of slide) is a diagram borrowed from Dr Arakawa's NOTE(※). It is also a fact that DNA contamination was confirmed in lots with many adverse events.

※ 荒川先生のnote


Dr Tess Lowry, founder of WCH, also tweeted that 'mRNA vaccines appear to be contaminated with foreign DNA that could be incorporated into the human genome'.


Even if you don't look at it from the perspective of vaccines, UNESCO has a Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights, which states that the human genome must not be altered without the consent of the individual. So it is very problematic from a human rights perspective.


We also do not know what the effects will be, not on the vaccinators themselves, but on their children, grandchildren and other future generations. There are concerns that the number of mutations increases genetic and other diseases, which may lead to more illnesses and a shorter life span.



And thirdly, about why is it contaminated? Ideally, if the vaccine-derived DNA with spike information was fragmented into pieces by degradative enzymes and removed, it would have been a great vaccine with no DNA left...


The reality is that even if the vaccine-derived template DNA is cleaved with DNA degrading enzymes, not all of it is broken. And this is what is happening: the fragments are not shattered and remain in the vaccine.


The reason why this happened is due to Dr Karikó, who won the Nobel Prize. You may be offended if I put it this way. Dr Karikó modified the base uridine present in normal mRNA and replaced it with pseudouridine. This replacement is used as artificial synthetic mRNA. This technique has caused a situation where the synthetic mRNA does not leave the template DNA.


In terms of the image, think of the person in blue in this diagram as the template DNA and the person in white as the synthetic mRNA. The synthetic mRNA, the pseudouridine that Dr Karikó modified, it clings firmly to this vaccine-derived template DNA that has this spike information, and it says, 'I'm not letting go!' . On the other hand, the DNA says, "If you don't let go, you're in big trouble". But they clung to it tightly and would not let go. The result is that the vaccine-derived DNA is contaminated.



So the DNA contamination problem is a fundamental flaw in mRNA technology. The corona vaccine is a big problem, of course, but it is also a big problem for all mRNA technology. I stress, all of it. All of it.

So I hope you can see how strange it is to be against the corona vaccine only and in favour of mRNA technology.



However, the development of the medical field using mRNA technology is accelerating enormously in Japan. It has an unprecedented budget of 1 trillion yen, and the University of Tokyo, the top national university, has been selected to lead the way. Furthermore, it has a partnership with Moderna and has a close relationship with them.

Under these circumstances, even if DNA contamination is found, anyone who thinks it would be a problem if huge research funds were blown away would not stop development at all costs. The reason why the DNA contamination issue is not talked about very often is that there is a trillion-dollar budget at work, and also a lot of people from related universities and related companies.


We believe this may be the reason behind the 'opposition to corona vaccines only and trivialisation of the issue of DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines'.

✅ DNA汚染問題とは、「ワクチン由来の鋳型のDNAがワクチンに残ってしまう問題」です。
✅ なぜ問題なのかと言うと、接種者本人にも病気や癌などの懸念がありますし、次世代にも何か影響が出るかもしれないという懸念があります。
✅ そしてなぜ混入するのかと言うと、汚染の原因はカリコ博士のシュードウリジン化という技術にあります。

✅ The DNA contamination problem is the problem of vaccine-derived template DNA remaining in the vaccine.
✅ It is a problem because there are concerns about diseases and cancers in the vaccinators themselves, and also concerns about what might happen to the next generation.
✅ And Dr Karikó's technique of pseudouridination is the cause of the contamination.
This is an explanation of the DNA contamination issue.

⬛️ 文字起こしを終えて



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