
March 27th, 2021

Two GYROTONIC®︎ trainers took my GYROTONER workshop today.
One of them came to Kamakura from Sapporo. I am very happy to see them.

We didn’t have a lot of exercises for 3hours, could understand that GYROTONER is good and helpful for our upper bodies.
I will have this workshop tomorrow.
I want the other two trainers to share the good points of GYROTONER.

It was a hard day for me.


ぜひサポートしてください。 まだまだ日本では馴染みの薄いジャイロトニック®︎、ジャイロキネシス®︎を通じて、楽しくすこやかに生きる人たちのサポートをできるように使わせていただきます。