
April 6th, 2021

I went to Hon-Atsugi station to have lunch with my friend Midori-chan today.
She is a pilates instructor. 
When I started working Shonan area, she introduced some people to me in order to get jobs. 

This Italian restaurant that I had lunch with her today, one of Midori-chan's favorite restaurants. It's not close to Kamakura, but I sometimes want to go there because of a nice restaurant.

We talked a lot as we were having nice meals and wines.
I would like to go there again with her.


ぜひサポートしてください。 まだまだ日本では馴染みの薄いジャイロトニック®︎、ジャイロキネシス®︎を通じて、楽しくすこやかに生きる人たちのサポートをできるように使わせていただきます。