Are you too busy to do new things?

Before you start doing something, you have to clean up your current mess.
Most people do not want to change their lives in their comfort zone and say, "I cannot do it because I am too busy." I think they are probably busy as they waste too much time on some unproductive things.

Today, I would like to introduce my " Top 5 Things for Wasting Time.”

#5. Negative NEWS

If you watch too much negative NEWS, that makes you unhappy and can cause your depression. Negative NEWS, like natural disasters around the world, happens a lot. If you start concerning yourself about each catastrophe, you will subconsciously think about it all the time, making you mentally tired.
Some of my friends know about the coronavirus like an expert as they watch the negative news a lot. They worry too much about it. I think that the actions we can consider to be safe from the virus can be limited, like washing your hands with sanitizer, wearing a mask, staying away from the cloud, etc. Once we have enough information to know what actions to prevent it, what other information do we need to know? We do not need to know too many negative things like "How many people have been infected and died?"
Overworries on negative NEWS can waste your time a lot.


#4 Spending a lot of time with someone you do not like

Many people try to be fake people as expected by others, especially their bosses, parents and lovers. But that is not a healthy relationship to satisfy other expectations. You do not want them to dislike you. You do not enjoy the time from your heart as you do not want to do it, so you waste your time and also waste others’ time as well. Say "No" to an invitation if you do not feel like going, even if the request is from your boss, parents or lover. A desire for recognition causes most of the annoyance, so have the courage to be disliked.

#3 Negative thinking

Negative thinking is similar to poison. It can spoil your mood quickly. Some people worry too much about things that may happen in the future. Most of the time, things do not come true. Even if it happens, it is not too late to think about the actions after it happens.
Stay away from someone who always talks badly about something and someone. Their life must be full of negative energy without any luck. Do not let that energy come to you. It is a poison that can spoil you.

#2 Troll

SNS trolling is a waste of time, spending precious time to give a negative comment to a stranger. If you do, I think you have some mental issues, or you do not enjoy your life at all. Stay away from SNS as much as you can, as it eats your time and energy.

#1 Smoking

This is one of the worst habits that a human can do. There are no good reasons to smoke at all. It is terrible for your health and wastes your time and money. It gives an awful impression to others because of the smell. It not only harms yourself but your lovers around you.
I used to smoke, so I understand why people start smoking, and I know it is tough to quit as the addiction is too strong. They need the courage to give up as smokers waste a lot of things.

Wrapping up

Today, I introduced my "Top 5 Things for Wasting time." I used to do most of them. Although I gave them up now, the time I wasted will never come back. I think I had too much stress in my life at the time.
People do stupid things when they are under significant stress with negative energy.
Be a positive thinker and stay away from any negative energy. Keep in the positive energy as that gives you good luck.
Do only things that give you a good return instead of wasting time on non-productive things and spend time with someone only when you are happy to do so.

Who is Uzi? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I am a Japanese software developer who works for the government sector. I study every day while receiving advice from my seniors in the business. I am interested in Artificial Intelligence, IT, Business, Marketing, Trade, Money, Brain science and English.

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YouTube Channel:
My Motto: “Be down to be up! Being down is an opportunity for you to improve!!”

I love to take any challenges that excite me, even if I am not good at them.
As you can see from my YouTube channel, I am not very really good at speaking English for YouTube. But I am OK to show my damn as I can only improve from there.

I'll be sharing ideas and life hacks on a regular basis that I wish I'd known earlier. Hopefully, you like them.


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座右の銘は「凹んで大きくなれ 凹むのはあなたが大きくなるチャンス」です。

