AI Scientist 実際に動かした中身の解説
さて、今月の中頃にSakana AIさんがAI Scientistをリリースされました!
例えば自然言語処理分野で世界最大の国際会議である ACL で今年は「Scholarly Document Processing」という論文の解析・論文執筆やレビューの自動化をテーマとするワークショップが開催されていました。国内でもNEDOのムーンショットプロジェクト目標3として一つで取り組まれていたりします。
このような分野で、AI Scientistは論文のアイデア出しから実験、論文執筆及びレビューまで全部カバーした点が新しいです。
AI Scientistの全体の流れは上図のようになっています。それぞれのコンポーネントは既存の技術やその改良になっていて、それらをうまくつなげたものになっています。
AI Scientistのコードの中で、実験の内容は templates ディレクトリの中で管理されています。
サンプルとして2d_diffusion, grokking, nanoGPT, nanoGPT_liteの4つが用意されています。
conda create -n ai_scientist python=3.11
conda activate ai_scientist
# Install pdflatex
sudo apt-get install texlive-full
# Install pypi requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Prepare NanoGPT data
python data/enwik8/
python data/shakespeare_char/
python data/text8/
また、実験中 AI がガンガン新しいライブラリをインストールしていくので、dockerコンテナ内などで実行することをお勧めします。
cd templates/nanoGPT && python --out_dir run_0 && python
これを実行すると templates/nanoGPT/run_0 というディレクトリが生成され、ベースライン実験の結果が保存されます。
いざ、AI Scientist!
python --model "gpt-4o-2024-05-13" --experiment nanoGPT_lite --num-ideas 5
Idea Generation
アイデア出しフェーズでは事前に用意されたseed ideasを元にアイデアを考えてくれます。
サンプルで用意されていたseed ideas は以下の2つでした。
"Name": "adaptive_block_size",
"Title": "Adaptive Block Size: Dynamic Context Window Adjustment for Efficient Training",
"Experiment": "Modify the model to dynamically adjust its block size during training, starting with a smaller block size and gradually increasing it. This could potentially lead to faster initial training and better long-range dependency learning.",
"Interestingness": 6,
"Feasibility": 4,
"Novelty": 4
"Name": "layerwise_learning_rates",
"Title": "Layer-wise Learning Rate Adaptation: Optimizing Training Dynamics in Transformer Models",
"Experiment": "Implement layer-wise learning rates, where each transformer layer has its own learning rate. Modify the configure_optimizers function to assign different learning rates to different layers, with deeper layers having lower learning rates. Compare the training dynamics, convergence speed, and final performance with the baseline model.",
"Interestingness": 4,
"Feasibility": 6,
"Novelty": 2
"Name": "adaptive_block_size",
"Title": "Adaptive Block Size: Dynamic Context Window Adjustment for Efficient Training",
"Experiment": "Modify the model to dynamically adjust its block size during training, starting with a smaller block size and gradually increasing it. This could potentially lead to faster initial training and better long-range dependency learning.",
"Interestingness": 6,
"Feasibility": 4,
"Novelty": 4,
"novel": true
"Name": "layerwise_learning_rates",
"Title": "Layer-wise Learning Rate Adaptation: Optimizing Training Dynamics in Transformer Models",
"Experiment": "Implement layer-wise learning rates, where each transformer layer has its own learning rate. Modify the configure_optimizers function to assign different learning rates to different layers, with deeper layers having lower learning rates. Compare the training dynamics, convergence speed, and final performance with the baseline model.",
"Interestingness": 4,
"Feasibility": 6,
"Novelty": 2,
"novel": true
"Name": "mixture_of_experts",
"Title": "Mixture of Experts in Transformer Models: Enhancing Efficiency and Generalization",
"Experiment": "Integrate a Mixture of Experts (MoE) mechanism into the transformer architecture. Modify the Block class to include a gating network that decides which subset of experts (e.g., attention heads or MLP layers) to activate for each input. Evaluate the impact on training dynamics, convergence speed, and final performance compared to the baseline model by comparing loss values and computational efficiency.",
"Interestingness": 8,
"Feasibility": 5,
"Novelty": 7,
"novel": false
"Name": "curriculum_learning",
"Title": "Curriculum Learning for Language Models: Progressive Sequence Length Training",
"Experiment": "Implement curriculum learning by initially training the model with a smaller block size and progressively increasing it. The block size can be increased every predefined number of epochs (e.g., every 10 epochs) or based on performance thresholds (e.g., when validation loss plateaus). Modify the training loop to adjust the block size at these intervals. Compare training dynamics, convergence speed, and final performance with the baseline model by evaluating loss values, training time, and computational efficiency.",
"Interestingness": 7,
"Feasibility": 6,
"Novelty": 5,
"novel": false
"Name": "char_data_augmentation",
"Title": "Character-level Data Augmentation: Enhancing Generalization in Language Models",
"Experiment": "Implement character-level data augmentation techniques such as random swapping, deletion, and insertion. Modify the get_batch function to apply these transformations probabilistically (e.g., with a certain probability per batch) during batch creation. Compare the baseline model with the augmented data model in terms of training dynamics (loss values), convergence speed, and generalization performance on validation and test sets.",
"Interestingness": 7,
"Feasibility": 7,
"Novelty": 6,
"novel": true
"Name": "contrastive_learning",
"Title": "Contrastive Learning for Character-Level Language Models: Enhancing Representation Quality",
"Experiment": "Integrate contrastive learning into the training process of the character-level language models. Modify the get_batch function to generate positive and negative pairs of character sequences. Implement a contrastive loss function (e.g., InfoNCE loss) and combine it with the existing cross-entropy loss, using a weighting factor to balance the two losses. Evaluate the impact on training dynamics, convergence speed, and final performance by comparing loss values, training time, and generalization performance on validation and test sets.",
"Interestingness": 8,
"Feasibility": 7,
"Novelty": 8,
"novel": true
"Name": "masked_character_prediction",
"Title": "Masked Character Prediction: Enhancing Contextual Understanding in Character-Level Language Models",
"Experiment": "Modify the get_batch function to randomly mask 15% of characters in the input sequence. Implement an MCP loss function where the model predicts the masked characters. Combine the MCP loss with the existing cross-entropy loss using a weighting factor of 0.5. Adjust the training loop to include the MCP loss. Evaluate the impact on training dynamics, convergence speed, and generalization performance by comparing loss values, training time, and generated samples with and without MCP.",
"Interestingness": 9,
"Feasibility": 7,
"Novelty": 8,
"novel": true
最終的にできたアイデアに対してSemantic Scholarを利用して新規性のスコアリングをします。上記はすでに新規性(Novelty)スコアもついていて、ここで "novel": true となっているものだけが次の実験フェーズに進みます。
Experiment Iteration
ここではAI ペアプログラミングツールであるAiderが用いられます。
実験の結果は results/nanoGPT/20240825_xxxxxx_adaptive_block_size といったパスに書き出されます。
実行結果を眺めていると 引数が足りないだのtensorの次元があっていないだの、非常にあるあるなエラーと戦っていて応援したくなります。
実験は最大5回行いますが、なんとAI Scientistは賢いのでどんな実験でどんな結果だったかをnotes.txtというファイルにちゃんと記録してくれます。
# Title: Adaptive Block Size: Dynamic Context Window Adjustment for Efficient Training
# Experiment description: Modify the model to dynamically adjust its block size during training, starting with a smaller block size and gradually increasing it. This could potentially lead to faster initial training and better long-range dependency learning.
## Run 0: Baseline
Results: {'shakespeare_char': {'final_train_loss_mean': 0.8100016315778097, 'best_val_loss_mean': 1.466265877087911, 'total_train_time_mean': 486.3754511674245, 'avg_inference_tokens_per_second_mean': 628.0787138526151}, 'enwik8': {'final_train_loss_mean': 0.932347297668457, 'best_val_loss_mean': 1.0043740272521973, 'total_train_time_mean': 3730.9902703762054, 'avg_inference_tokens_per_second_mean': 623.4055176365921}, 'text8': {'final_train_loss_mean': 0.9954460263252258, 'best_val_loss_mean': 0.9796082973480225, 'total_train_time_mean': 3700.36541891098, 'avg_inference_tokens_per_second_mean': 612.8027194208604}}
Description: Baseline results.
## Run 1: Adaptive Block Size (128 to 256)
Results: {'shakespeare_char': {'final_train_loss_mean': 1.0442975759506226, 'best_val_loss_mean': 1.4694137175877888, 'total_train_time_mean': 246.88527623812357, 'avg_inference_tokens_per_second_mean': 644.205137992702}, 'enwik8': {'final_train_loss_mean': 1.172116994857788, 'best_val_loss_mean': 1.0836857557296753, 'total_train_time_mean': 1933.9975879192352, 'avg_inference_tokens_per_second_mean': 629.9451432651113}, 'text8': {'final_train_loss_mean': 1.0538395643234253, 'best_val_loss_mean': 1.0402579307556152, 'total_train_time_mean': 1919.2720713615417, 'avg_inference_tokens_per_second_mean': 652.0149014407701}}
Description: In this run, we started with a block size of 128 and increased it to 256 halfway through the training. The goal was to see if starting with a smaller block size and gradually increasing it could lead to faster initial training and better long-range dependency learning. The results show that the training time was significantly reduced compared to the baseline, but the validation loss did not improve.
## Run 2: Adaptive Block Size (64 to 256)
Results: {'shakespeare_char': {'final_train_loss_mean': 1.2161227464675903, 'best_val_loss_mean': 1.4748027722040813, 'total_train_time_mean': 141.1062867641449, 'avg_inference_tokens_per_second_mean': 657.0720393777975}, 'enwik8': {'final_train_loss_mean': 1.2260124683380127, 'best_val_loss_mean': 1.1951712369918823, 'total_train_time_mean': 1191.0275044441223, 'avg_inference_tokens_per_second_mean': 645.1279341091803}, 'text8': {'final_train_loss_mean': 1.1988449096679688, 'best_val_loss_mean': 1.1266287565231323, 'total_train_time_mean': 1179.3515689373016, 'avg_inference_tokens_per_second_mean': 658.3639946815973}}
Description: In this run, we started with a block size of 64 and increased it to 256 halfway through the training. The goal was to see if starting with an even smaller block size and gradually increasing it could lead to faster initial training and better long-range dependency learning. The results show that the training time was further reduced compared to Run 1, but the validation loss did not improve.
## Run 3: Adaptive Block Size (32 to 256)
Results: {'shakespeare_char': {'final_train_loss_mean': 1.361627419789632, 'best_val_loss_mean': 1.5626617670059204, 'total_train_time_mean': 96.56737661361694, 'avg_inference_tokens_per_second_mean': 641.7305790805012}, 'enwik8': {'final_train_loss_mean': 1.240545392036438, 'best_val_loss_mean': 1.3395164012908936, 'total_train_time_mean': 783.5016975402832, 'avg_inference_tokens_per_second_mean': 650.8359867357506}, 'text8': {'final_train_loss_mean': 1.2241655588150024, 'best_val_loss_mean': 1.2351934909820557, 'total_train_time_mean': 776.3762784004211, 'avg_inference_tokens_per_second_mean': 656.3913511537555}}
Description: In this run, we started with a block size of 32 and increased it to 256 halfway through the training. The goal was to see if starting with an even smaller block size and gradually increasing it could lead to faster initial training and better long-range dependency learning. The results show that the training time was significantly reduced compared to Run 2, but the validation loss did not improve.
## Run 4: Adaptive Block Size (16 to 256)
Results: {'shakespeare_char': {'final_train_loss_mean': 1.5928205251693726, 'best_val_loss_mean': 1.7140719095865886, 'total_train_time_mean': 71.33989628156026, 'avg_inference_tokens_per_second_mean': 634.8052798487687}, 'enwik8': {'final_train_loss_mean': 1.6693079471588135, 'best_val_loss_mean': 1.5230958461761475, 'total_train_time_mean': 617.6598782539368, 'avg_inference_tokens_per_second_mean': 631.6340326083813}, 'text8': {'final_train_loss_mean': 1.419594645500183, 'best_val_loss_mean': 1.3788375854492188, 'total_train_time_mean': 615.7185640335083, 'avg_inference_tokens_per_second_mean': 639.550719125962}}
Description: In this run, we started with a block size of 16 and increased it to 256 halfway through the training. The goal was to see if starting with an even smaller block size and gradually increasing it could lead to faster initial training and better long-range dependency learning. The results show that the training time was significantly reduced compared to Run 3, but the validation loss did not improve.
# Plot Descriptions
## Training Loss Plots
1. **Training Loss Across Runs for shakespeare_char Dataset**: This plot shows the training loss over iterations for the shakespeare_char dataset across all runs. It helps visualize how the training loss decreases over time for each adaptive block size strategy. The filename for this plot is `train_loss_shakespeare_char.png`.
2. **Training Loss Across Runs for enwik8 Dataset**: This plot shows the training loss over iterations for the enwik8 dataset across all runs. It provides insights into the training efficiency and convergence behavior for different block size adjustments. The filename for this plot is `train_loss_enwik8.png`.
3. **Training Loss Across Runs for text8 Dataset**: This plot shows the training loss over iterations for the text8 dataset across all runs. It allows comparison of the training performance for different adaptive block size strategies. The filename for this plot is `train_loss_text8.png`.
## Validation Loss Plots
1. **Validation Loss Across Runs for shakespeare_char Dataset**: This plot shows the validation loss over iterations for the shakespeare_char dataset across all runs. It helps evaluate the generalization performance of the model for each adaptive block size strategy. The filename for this plot is `val_loss_shakespeare_char.png`.
2. **Validation Loss Across Runs for enwik8 Dataset**: This plot shows the validation loss over iterations for the enwik8 dataset across all runs. It provides insights into the model's ability to generalize to unseen data for different block size adjustments. The filename for this plot is `val_loss_enwik8.png`.
3. **Validation Loss Across Runs for text8 Dataset**: This plot shows the validation loss over iterations for the text8 dataset across all runs. It allows comparison of the generalization performance for different adaptive block size strategies. The filename for this plot is `val_loss_text8.png`.
まあ、アイデアがあまり良くなかったんでしょうか。ここで私ならがっくりして2,3日ゲームでもするところですが、AI Scientistは即座に次のアイデアの検証に取り掛かります。健気なやつですね。
Paper Write-Up
ここでもAiderを使ってLaTex形式で記述し、その後 Semantic Scolarを使いながらレビューしてくれます。
ちなみに Conclusion, Limitation はこちら
おーちゃんとvalidation lossは下がってないとLimitationに書かれてますね。
こんな感じでかなり優秀なAI Scientistですが、実際自分の研究で利用するにはどうすればいいのかというとまだちょっと手間がかかります。
Jizaiでは生成AI関連のご依頼・ご相談を受け付けています。下記のHPのお問い合わせからご相談ください。 また、一緒に働く仲間も募集中です!