good week! (updating daily life..)
I've been so good!! 毎日楽しい!!
It's been so good this week! (the first week of April) Feeling great maybe because it's been very nice weather outside:) I've been full of plans this week to see my friends, do my stuff, and prepare documents for backing to Japan etc.. I'm gonna share about good happens this week:) I invited my friend to come over and cooked dinner together (she was my study abroad buddy at KU. She took me to Chicago on winter break!! so sweet!!), worked out together with my friend who is my classmate in basketball and volleyball class (I am one the biggest fan of him actually haha!! He always teaches me slangs and my pronunciations. Always so fun to talk with him!!), went to weekly conversation group (which was so fun because the topic was dating and marriage. My friend who has 5 kids and 11 grandkids, she is one of the most respectful women for me, I wanna be like her when I turned her age) and went out with my friends (actually it was my first night out since I came haha), and usually went to my work two times a week. I had lots of chill time and fun with friends!! Talking random topics with my friends, gives me lots of chances to think about. It’s very stimulating. Every friend has every wisdom, energy, background, and thoughts, I love sharing with them and getting to know others.
今週(4月の初週)はなんだかとてもいい感じ~外がとてもいい天気だからかな?:) 今週は友達に会ったり、自分のことをしたり、日本に戻るための書類を準備したりと、予定がいっぱいでした。今週あったいいことをシェア:) 友達を家に招待して一緒にご飯を作ったり(彼女は前の学期がKUでの留学バディで、冬休みにシカゴに連れて行ってくれた友達)、バスケとバレーのクラスメイトと一緒にワークアウトしたり(彼はいつも私にスラングや発音を教えてくれる。本当に素敵な彼とのおしゃべりはいつも楽しい!!!)、週1回の会話グループ(前回のトピックはデートや結婚でとても楽しかった!5人の子供と11人の孫を持つ私の友人は、私にとって最も尊敬できる女性の一人です。彼女のラブストーリーが素敵だった!)こんな感じでチルな時間や友達との楽しい時間をたくさん過ごしました。私の日常はこんな感じ~友達ととりとめのない話をして、そのことについて考える機会が沢山あります。とにかくいつも本当に刺激的。どの友達も知恵、エネルギー、背景、考えを持っていて、私は彼らとお互いのストーリーをシェアして他の人を知ることが大好き!!
my skill improvement やっと感じた英語の伸び
I'm gonna share about my English skills. It's been 9months since I came. My English goal is to be bilingual (I wanna speak native English), but I'm still an English learner. It's challenging to speak so fluently and naturally like native flow, and still often happens not to hear what native speakers say. However, I can tell it’s getting better for sure. It’s been easier to listen to podcasts, read books/textbooks, even write this note than before. And, more fun to talk about deeper topics with people! I noticed I love speaking in English because it sounds more beautiful than Japanese, and I like who I am in English version because I would be more straightforward than in Japanese, this is what I wanted to be!! My personality would be changed if I spoke in Japanese/English. (I guess I would be more quiet, patient and more nicer in Japanese) And finally, happily, I noticed that my skill had improved, which made me so happy. It was like kind of same that I’d had a technique for 3 points shot of basketball. FINALLY!!! I’m SO GLAD:) So these days, I’m asking any topics so randomly for people a lot hahah.
I hope you guys are doing well and enjoying spring!! I’ll have fun with my friends as much as I can the rest of my time here🥺 Thanks for reading this time! Take care of yourself.
それでは皆さん、春の気候を楽しみつつ気をつけてお過ごしください!私も残りの時間を存分に楽しんでいこうと思います:) 今回も読んでいただきありがとうございました!