

Happy new year 2024!! How have you been y'all? I hope you've had a wonderful winter break! I'm going to talk about "AMERICAN CHRISTMAS" this time.


In my comment that I’ve had the first American Christmas, I LOVE IT. I love it a lot. Simply to say, American Christmas is so huge! so exciting! so cozy! so much fun!! Firstly, I like Christmas lights a lot. After Halloween, many houses started lighting up. Especially, I liked them in downtown!! They were too pretty! I loved taking a walk or driving around the town to see them:) Secondly, I knew that Christmas is an event gathering and celebrating with families as well as Thanksgiving. Since the winter break began, my friends have gone back to their families, which I was a little sad because it’s not easy to see them. And lastly, I was just surprised that Americans give&take Christmas presents culture. Every time, I get surprised by seeing too many presents under the Christmas tree when I visit my friends' houses. Also, I enjoyed the talk from my friends to hear about “What do I get my mom and dad for Christmas?” or “How about for my aunt?”. I thought it would be so hard to prepare some presents for every family member, but at the same time I was so jealous of them to get lots of presents from their family hahaha. It’s so surprising for me to choose some presents not only for siblings or parents but also grandparents, aunts and uncles! (One friend told me that he prepared them for his girlfriends’ family!!)


Christmas eve
I had a great time at my close friends’ house on Christmas eve. There were four gorgeous Christmas trees at his house! Lots of Christmas interiors! And fireplace!! Good smell of Christmas dishes!! It looked so beautiful with Christmas lights outside!! I was so excited like “Wow wow wow! Omg this is American Christmass!!!” Also, I was glad that his mother gave me some Christmas presents:) My friends and I waited for dinner while taking many photos in front of Christmas trees. And then, dinner time!! Lots of good dishes, many chats & laughs… We talked about my Chicago trip, favorite states to visit in the US etc… I’m so happy to have such a good time!

クリスマスイブは仲のいい友達のおうちにお邪魔させてもらいました。おうちには立派なツリーが4つ!全体がクリスマスインテリアでいっぱい!そして暖炉!美味しいご飯の香り!外観はクリスマスライトでキラキラ!うわああああアメリカンクリスマスだ!!!彼のママはミニプレゼントを準備してくれていて感動。ご飯の準備ができるまで写真撮影:) そしてみんなでいただきます、みんなで囲むごちそう!!それはそれはあったかい時間でした:) シカゴ旅行やおすすめのアメリカの旅行先についてみんなでおしゃべり:) すごい盛り上がって面白かったです!

Christmas day
I woke up late on Christmas day. In the afternoon, I had a Christmas party at a friend's house, and celebrated with my friends from Malaysia, Nigeria, India, Myammer and Japan! It was very fun that we shared our own traditional dishes (I cooked sushi rolls. I was glad that they liked them!) I loved that time we ate together at a table sitting around a circle with the people I love, that was a really good time, same as Christmas eve:) After a late lunch, we watched NBA games on TV, played Carrom which is a board game from India and Skip Bo which is a card game from the US… But my most favorite part I had on that day was White Elephant!!! (White Elephant is a party game where amusing and impractical gifts are exchanged during festivities) I knew about it from my friend since I came to the US, I love it! It’s very exciting!! I got cute earrings and a honey hand soap:) After the party, we drove around Lawrence seeing Christmas lights and got home. Overall, this is my American Christmas experience. I enjoyed it a lot!! (I had lots of fun for the big 3 American holidays, Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas!)

さてさてクリスマス当日。お昼過ぎから友達のパーティーだったので朝はゆっくりと起床。2時過ぎにみんなで集合してパーティーのはじまり!マレーシア、ナイジェリア、インド、ミャンマー、日本のみんなでお祝いしました:) お互いの国の料理をシェアしたりして(私も海苔巻き作っていった)ちょっと遅めのランチタイム!大好きな人たちと一緒に食べるご飯は本当に美味しい。前日に引き続き、またまたあったかい時間を過ごしました:) ごはんを食べた後はNBAを観たり、Carromというインド発祥のボードゲームをチーム対戦で遊んだり、Skip Booっていうアメリカのカードゲームをしたり。私のいちばんのお気に入りはwhite elephantと呼ばれるプレゼント交換!なかなか面白いルールで行われるこのゲーム(帰国した時に説明します💦)こっちに来てから友達に教えてもらって、お気に入りのプレゼント交換方法になりました:) 私はピアスと蜂蜜のいい香りのハンドソープをゲット!夜はみんなでまちのクリスマスライトを観に行ってから家に帰りました。これにて私のアメリカンクリスマスは終了…(三大アメリカンビックイベントしっかり楽しみました!)


番外編 ~teen’s graduation!!~
I had my twentieth birthday in Chicago. It was such a trip that I’ve felt super truly hyper extremely excited, happy and had SO MUCH FUN:) I finished my last teen and turned 20 with the greatest feeling in Chicago! I’ve had the best years of my life in these several years. Especially last year 2023, I’ve met so many new people, had new experiences, memories and adventures which are so much fun, and finally I’ve been studying abroad in the US!! I’m so grateful for the life I’ve had. These days, I’ve been spending my time so slowly watching a movie, reading books, going to the gym and seeing my friend since I came back from DC. (I celebrated the new year in Washington DC!) Also, I’ve been thinking about my goals & wishes in my twenties… (I still can’t believe that I’m already twenty years old lolll) Usually, I feel alone if I had lots of free time, but I’ve been enjoying this time for no reason:) But actually, I’ve been struggling with one thing… It’s cold weather!! It’s super cold in Lawrence!!! I’d been sick since I’m back from DC. I realized that the cold weather is the biggest hate for me because I’m really bad at it😭😭 Furthermore, I’ve been missing sunny days because it’s been cloudy or snowing for the past couple days. I’m so scared that the forecast says it will be over -20℃ this week… Two days ago, the waterpipe at kichen stopped. It supposed to be from this weather🥶 But anyways, I’m doing good:) I hope you guys have had a wonderful winter break! Thank you for reading as well this time! Stay warm and take care!!!

さてさてシカゴで迎えた20歳、まじでハイパースーパーエクストリーム興奮、幸せ、楽しいを味わったとにかく素晴らしい旅でした。最高の気分で19歳を終えハタチになりました。ここ最近の数年間、今がいちばんと感じるベストイヤーを年々上回るわたしの人生です。なんといってもラストティーンは数え切れない人との素敵な出会い、ずっと待ち望んでたアメリカ留学での冒険の日々でとにかく胸がいっぱいです。ここ最近はLawrenceに帰ってきてとにかくゆっくり過ごしています。(新年はワシントンDCで迎えてきました)ずっとどんな20代にしていこうか考え中…(まだ20歳になった自覚ない)毎日ひとつ映画見て、本読んで、ジムに行って、友達と少し会ってみたいなルーティン。いつもは孤独を感じてどこか寂しさを感じるけど、ここ最近はどこか違ってなんかずっとひとりでも楽しくやってます:) ただひとつ難点は寒すぎる。とにかく寒すぎる。ワシントンから帰ってきてから風邪をひきズルズル引きずってます。冷え性の私にとって寒さは最大の敵であったことに最近気が付きました。またずっと雪の日続きで晴れが恋しいです… 今週は-20℃にもなるそうで本当に恐ろしい… 早速アパートメントの水道管は凍結して止まってしまいました😅そんなこんなですが変わらず過ごしています。今回も読んでいただきありがとうございます!皆さんもあったかくして過ごしましょう!

CHICAGO on my bday❤️ハタチになった日
夢だったChicago Fireの撮影場所へ🥹🥹
molly’s🥹🥹where is Stella? or Herman?!
こちらもChicago Fireで使われている撮影スポット”molly’s”
watched NBA game🥹🥹bulls vs lakers!
literally “Shake it up!” シェキラだよ🥹🥹
Hello~ Joe Biden🫡
📍Washinton monument(ワシントンモニュメント)
Had snow storm a few days ago…!!!
white sbow world!! いままで感じたことない寒さ🥶
Beautiful campus😍😍
love winter&snow, but hate this cold!!!!!
