the best memory in the US!
the Best Chicago Birthday Trip!
12/16/24 Sat - 12/22/23 Fri
My best memory in the US was Chicago trip on winter break!! Of course I loved daily life in Lawerence, but the best time was absolutely my birthday trip in Chicago if I choose one part while I'm in the US! It was just so many adventures, so fun, so happy and exciting!! Actually, I had still lots of dramas and stupid & negative happenings in Chicago, but it was alright because positives were more than that!! This trip was just the best because I had the best feelings that I've ever felt in many ways.
Firstly, one of my favorite parts of this trip was my birthday. I felt so special because it means a lot to turn twenty years old in Japanese culture as being a regally adult (can start drinking too) and celebrate my birthday in the US on the trip! I WAS JUST SO HAPPY!!
The second my favorite was visiting shooting spots of my favorite tv shows Chicago Fire and Shake It Up! It felt fantastic because they were always on my bucket list. When I visited them, I still remember I was super excited like I couldn't stop saying OMG and my heart beating was so fast.
The other things, I really enjoyed road trip with my friends to go to Chicago, finally watching NBA game (Bulls vs Lakers), seeing my old friends, visiting Xmas markets etc... Also, I really liked the hostel I stayed for like a week!! Anyways, these are reasons why this is my best memory in the US!!! I will always remember this as the most amazing and memorable.
気分は最高潮!シカゴ旅行 (12/16 Sat - 12/22 Fri)
アメリカでの一番の思い出は、冬休みのシカゴ旅行です!もちろん、Lawrenceでの日常生活も大好きでしたが、アメリカでの一番の思い出は、確実に誕生日のシカゴ旅行です!もちろん、Lawrenceでの日常生活も大好きだったけど、アメリカにいる間で1つだけ選ぶとしたら、シカゴでの旅行が確実に最高でした!とにかく楽しくて、幸せで冒険だらけって感じ! 実はシカゴではたくさんのドラマやおバカでネガティブな出来事もあったけど、ポジティブなことの方が多かったから気にしません。そんなことも含めていろんな意味で今まで感じたことのない最高の感情を味わえたから、一番の思い出です!
mini story ~the last month~
I've been so busy with the last part of studying abroad because I couldn't be calm and I had to study for the final, my part-time job, some documents or applications for backing to Japan. I felt SO sad especially at the end of April, when I leave Kansas in a month, and then I cried every day. (Actually, I didn't expect that at all, so I got surprised) I shed tears when I was on the bus to go home or when I went to bed at night.. That was so sad. I hate saying goodbye, I was like "I don't wanna leave! I just wanna keep staying in Kansas!!". The people in Lawrence are just AWESOME!! Everyone is super sweet, it was the hardest part saying goodbye to them:'((( But one day, I received lovely airmails from my friends in Japan for around four days in a row, which made me a BIG cry actually. And, they said, "I am waiting for you in Japan!" "I am looking forward to seeing you soon in Japan!!", they made me SO HAPPY!! Since then, I've got excited for backing to Japan and seeing them! Ofc I am excited for seeing my family, and I miss DELICIOUS Japanese food, seeing sunsets at the beach, taking a bath (actually hot springs too) so so much! This is my real feelings at the last part of studying abroad. It's always bitter and sweet. I already miss the people in Kansas so so much, but now I'm very excited for seeing my family and friends in Japan!!
I am going back to Japan next week FINALLY!!!
Thank you for reading! Have a good one:)
番外編 ~留学ラストパート~
4月後半からラストパートだという感じで本当に忙しかったです。気持ちもクライマックスでなかなか落ち着かないし、finalに向けての勉強やバイト、帰国準備の書類系などなどドタバタ忙しくしていました。特に4月の終わりはとにかくカンザスを離れるのが悲しくて、ふとしたときに毎日涙が出てくる日々で自分でもびっくり。ほんと毎日スーっていう涙をバスに乗ってたりベットに入ったときとかに流してました。でも気持ちは一転、そのくらいの時期に日本の友達からair mailが続いて4日間くらい届いて、みんなからのメッセージを読んで大泣き。でもそれからどんどん帰国するのが楽しみになってます!!家族と友達に会うことはもちろん、日本食とか海で見るサンセットとかお風呂につかることとか本当に恋しい。かといって、さよならは本当に簡単じゃない。大嫌い!特にこっちに来てからずっと前のnoteでも書いたように年上の子たちと関わることが多かったので、色んな人にわがままにたくさん甘えてきたからみんなにくっついて泣きじゃくりたい気分です。