cultural differences
Hello, everyone! How's it going you all? I'm doing well but it was too cold here, in Lawrence, KS in the middle of January. My classes are cancelled one day because of extremely cold weather.
日本の皆さんこんにちは!どのようにお過ごしですか?私は変わらず過ごしています:) 1月中旬はスノーストームで極寒での生活でした。
Since I came here, I’ve had opportunities to see people from all over the world, which is very interesting! These days, I’ve been able to speak English better because I realized that I could talk about deeper topics with friends such as relationships, religions etc. During the DC trip, I’d talked about life, humanity, and Christianity one night until early morning. Also, I didn’t feel awkward to call requesting water pipe repair last week! I’m so glad that I've been improving my English skills little by little!!!
And these days, I’ve had very interesting experiences:) That is talking with people from Africa! It’s so fun for me, there are LOTS of new things to know every time! I didn’t know about Africa at all before talking with them. That was just desert or savanna in my images. But that was so wrong!!! They have cities, such as tall buildings and apartments like Tokyo. One time, my friend showed me a photo in Zimbabwe, then I remember that I was very surprised because it was just like my hometown. The people from Africa are always very nice and polite, they always study so hard. They had fourteen subjects when they took the exam to enter high school as my roommates said. (This is also surprising that the students in Ethiopia have taken all classes in English since high school) I’ve seen people from Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Cania, South Sudan, Rwanda, South Africa, Kongo, Nigeria, Morocco… All the time when I talked with them, I got surprised by their stories. Oh no I didn’t know about Africa at all…. One night, I had fun talking with my roommates from Ethiopia. They shared their traditional breakfast and taught me new English that there are two kinds of English; British and American, then also British has four kinds of English; Scotland, Ireland, England, and Wales.
そして最近面白いなって感じてるのは、アフリカ出身の人達とおしゃべりすること。今までのアフリカのイメージはサハラ砂漠かケニアのサバンナ。でも全然違う!!日本と同じような高い建物が並ぶ都会がたくさん。ジンバブエ出身の人のふるさとの写真を見せてもらったけど、あれ?うちの近くみたい!違う写真は横浜のあのエリアに似てるな~みたいな、この調子。彼らは凄く日本にリスペクトがあって礼儀正しいし、高校受験では14教科あるくらい勉強熱心。(エチオピアでは高校から授業は英語で行われるらしい)今までエチオピア、ジンバブエ、ガーナ、ケニア、南スーダン、ルワンダ、南アフリカ、コンゴ、ナイジェリア、モロッコ…彼らのリアルな話を聞いてイメージを覆されることばっかり。私って何にも知らないじゃん、と。この間はエチオピア出身のルームメイト達と夜な夜な話して盛り上がりました。エチオピアの朝ごはんをシェアしてくれたり、英語にもbritish&americanがあって、britishにはScotland, Ireland, England&Walesで地域によって全く違う英語があることを知ったり。
This is also very interesting about Ethiopia! They celebrate the new year every September because they have their calendar in Ethiopia. They have their characters and numbers because they’ve never been colonized by other countries historically. (This year is 2016 in Ethiopia, it feels weird but very interesting!) The most interesting thing was that I knew how websites can lie. They told me that they have a very good hotel internationally, and showed me pictures. That looked really good!! Looked very expensive!! That was really gorgeous and fancy!! But after that, we just found photos of traditional houses if we tried searching from Google. That was really sad.
エチオピアは9月がnew yearで、それに合わせて新学期も9月かららしい。歴史的に国全体が占領されたことがないから、独自の数字と文字、エチオピア暦も持っているらしい(ちなみに今年は2016年。わ~なんて面白い)一番印象的なのは、ネットの恐ろしさについて思い知らされたこと。エチオピアには世界でも有数のホテルがあるって話になり、彼女達が見せてくれた写真はゴージャスなお城みたいでびっくり!でもgoogleで調べたら庶民的な伝統的な住居しか出てこなくて、huh???え、どういうこと?ネットの情報が全て本当ではないのだと初めて気づいた瞬間でした。
Actually, it’s very interesting to get to know new cultures not only in African countries but also in others. There are many graduate or PHD students from Arabic here because they’ve studied English since college. Celebrating Christmas in summer, their academic calendar starts in February in Brazil. My friends from South America are very lazy, especially because they don’t care about time much. There are lots of vegetarian people from India. My friends from Vietnam, Taiwan, and Singapore, they’ve experienced seeing snow in Kansas for the first time ever. My friends from Germany have very strong opinions about the recycling system for SDGs. My friends from Europe were shocked to close bars at 1 or 2 am here in the US because they used to have drinks until 5 or 6 am in their home countries! These are some stories I’ve had conversations with people from all over the world!! It’s so much fun for me to get to know new cultures & stories!!!
I’ve been so great and having fun in new ways since starting the new semester! I hope I can share about new classes this semester and update my life recently:) Thank you for reading this time as well. Stay warm and take care everybody!! Hope y’all doing good as well!!