
the 198th day

Hello guys! How are you doing these days? I’ve been pretty good! I’m gonna share about “the 198th day” since I came here:) I will talk about daily life in the second semester at KU.


198th day- Feb 20th, Tuesday
I have an English speaking & listening class from 9:00-10:50 am on Tuesdays. This class is very good because the professor is so nice, the class is very organized, lots of pair works and discussions, which is the way I like learning through communication. And, my classmates are international students, the same as last semester, from China, Saudi Arabia, India and Japan.

火曜日は9時から2時間speaking & listening class. 英語のクラスはすごくオーガナイズされていて、教科書の内容と並行してyou tubeをみてからトピックについてとにかくディスカッション。この学期は前の学期と同じような感じで他の国出身の学生たちと一緒に学びます。(この学期のクラスメイトは中国、サウジアラビア、インド、日本)

I’m taking a basketball class from 2 pm, and a volleyball class from 3 pm. These activities classes are opened for all students! The reason why I chose these classes is that I expected to struggle with academic class before this semester started. (I’ve been struggling now in practice…) These classes are actually so much fun!!! It’s really good for me because I’ve played basketball for 6 years in middle school and high school, and I love sports! And luckily, I can get credits from them! We do warm up together at the beginning and play games in the class. My classmates are most of all boys in basketball class, they are very tall, skilled for any kind of plays. And, they’re really cool!! In the volleyball class, there are just twelve people including me, so it’s very nice for me to get closer to them. These two are actually my favorite classes this semester, it’s very fun!!!! However, to be honest, I was used to being with international students, I was extremely nervous when I went to class for the first time. That was like no one cared about me as long as I took some action on them. So, in the first class, I just sent emails to teachers as a self-introduction and asked and tried to remember my classmates’ names. Then, very fortunately, my classmates remembered my name now, which made me very happy!!! They gave me compliments a lot if I made shots or good serves, which made me so happy!!!:) And, my classmates are soo good! There is a guy who is super nice and very handsome, and there is a girl who looks so beautiful like a model. And these guys always make me laugh, I have a classmate who always comes to class with pajamas? and another guy who leaves comments for every play. These are my favorite classes anyway!!

そして14時からバスケ、15時からバレーのクラスを取っています。academic classの方で大苦戦中なので、アクティビティクラスを選択しました。こちらのスポーツクラス、これが最高に楽しいんです!中学高校でバスケ部で、スポーツ大好きな私にとって最高の娯楽時間:) さらにそれぞれのクラスで単位ももらえるという最高条件!授業の内容はウォームアップをしてゲームをするだけ。バスケのクラスはクラスメイトはほぼ男の子達なので(27人男子4人女子)、みんなドライブもシュートも何でもめちゃくちゃ上手。シンプルにめちゃくちゃかっこいい。バレーは少人数(12人)で仲も深まるし、初心者と経験者が混ざってるのでとっても優しい環境:) 今までinternational studentsとよく関わっていたので、最初にネイティブクラスの中にポンと混ざり込んだ時はガチガチに緊張しました。自分で動かないと誰も助けてくれない状況だったので、初回の授業で先生全員に自己紹介メールを送り、同じチームになったら名前を聞くことを続けたら、新学期が始まって1ヶ月が経ったいまはみんな私の名前を覚えてくれました:) シュートを決めたり良いサーブができたりすると、みんなめちゃくちゃ褒めてくれるから超嬉しいです!そしてクラスメートがみんな個性があってとにかく面白い!スーパー優しい+超イケメン、足が長くてモデル体型のフレンドリーな超スーパー美人、いつもパジャマみたいな格好で来る子、あらゆるプレーに対してコメントを残す子さまざま。のびのびしてて、お気に入りのスポーツクラスです!

And this month, I have a basketball match every Tuesday night. This is called intramural sports; these are matches held by university students at the university gym. I’ve been so curious about this since last semester, that I made a team to invite friends and signed up for this! I think it’s very fun to make connections through doing some sports. And this is the easiest way for me to communicate with new friends:) The team we were against last week was extremely good, they did dunk a few times in our match surprisingly. So anyways, I always head out to bed after I get back to my apartment because I feel exhausted from doing too much exercise on Tuesdays.

そして今月は毎週火曜の夜にバスケのトーナメントがあります。intramural sportsといって、KUの学生の中で大学のジムで行われる試合です。前の学期からとても気になっていたので、international studentsの友達を誘ってチームを作りました。私的にスポーツで人とつながるのが楽しい!先週の対戦は相手がとてつもなく強くて、ダンクかまされた。そんなこんなでスポーツ三昧の火曜日はアパートメントに帰って、クタクタでいつも早めにベットに入ります…

mini talks ~finally taking regular class with native speakers~
Finally, I have been taking regular classes with native speakers since this semester!! As I talked about taking basketball and volleyball classes, I also take yoga class, and one academic class (international politics). I really like yoga class so far! This is just a meditation time. It’s very relaxing and feels so good! Also, it’s very interesting to learn about mindfulness and mental health, which I’ve wanted to study for a long time. On the other hand, I’ve struggled in my academic class. The content is very interesting, but international politics are too complicated. Lots of information, histories, wars…. The first exam I took a couple of weeks ago was so bad. Ummm it’s been tough and hard for me. I’ve been studying to read textbooks and understand what is going on in the world nowadays. It seems normal here to read one chapter of a textbook (around 40 pages) for a week. For me, it takes an hour for only one page because there are so many academic words that I don’t understand… I just take notes during lectures, but also there are so many words that I don’t know. However, fortunately, the professor and GTA are very nice! I always come to their office hours. They support and take care of me a lot! And fortunately again, my professor has been to Japan a couple of times, and my GTA has taught English in Japan, which made me feel more comfortable. My goal in this class is to pass and take more than B!! I’m making an effort and I’ve got this.

番外編 ~念願ネイティブの子達と受けるregular classes~
今学期から英語のクラス以外は念願のクラスメートがみんなネイティブスピーカー!上記でもお伝えしたバスケとバレーの他に、yoga class, academic classのinternational politics と取っています。yoga classはとにかく瞑想時間。凄くリラックスできてお気に入りです。mindfulnessやmental health discussionで学びたかったことも勉強できて面白いです。正直academic classには大苦戦中。学んでいる内容は面白いものの、この間のはじめてのテストでは難しすぎて撃沈。今は必死にしがみついて、教科書を読む毎日です。1週間で1チャプター(約40ページほど)を進めるのは普通らしい。今の私は教科書に書かれている単語がわからないので、調べて内容を理解してってやってると1ページ1時間というこの調子…問題は単語がとにかくわからない。lectureはノートは取れるものの、専門的な単語ばっかり使われるので復習にも時間がかかります。でもこのクラス教授もGTAもとにかく当たりで、office hourにお邪魔して心優しくサポートしていただいてます。偶然にも教授は日本に何度か滞在したことがあったり、GTAは日本で英語を教えていた経験があるという、凄く安心。目標はB以上をとってパスすること。これからもinternational politicsとの戦いは続きます… 


I shared about my daily life in the second semester at KU to pick up the 198th day! Thank you for reading! Hope you guys are doing well.


KS sunset🥹
とにかく最高:) feeling SO GOOD
