the first month
日本の皆さん、こんにちは! お元気ですか?びっくりするほど早く1か月が過ぎてしまいました。今回は最初の1ヶ月を振り返ります。(長くなることが予想されます)
Hello everyone! How's it going you all? It's already been one month since I came here, it is super-fast for me and there is lots of fun! I will talk about my first month in the US this time. (I expect it will be so long…lol)
I never have been homesick that I really want to go back to Japan, but I really miss my family and friends, I really want to see them! This month, my first month in the US was like a dream. It was really amazing because I came true lots of things that I only imagined when I was in Japan. But at the same time, I felt it was hard a lot because they were my first experiences ever. Then, I never had so down feeling since I came, but I had it last week. I got a cold, didn't have any appetite, and couldn't sleep well. I felt so hard for everything, I had been in so negative mood, and then I cried out like a baby in my room in the dark. I finally realized that I've been so challenged every time in the US. After crying, I felt so refreshed, and I was getting back after talking with my friends and eating 2 salted plum rice balls!!! So this time, I will divide the reflection into a few parts.
This salted plum rice ball saved me:)
英語/ English
まずは皆さん気になるであろう、英語の伸びしろ。Youtube など今まで英語字幕でみていたのに字幕なしでだいぶ理解できるようになってきてリスニング伸びてるなと感じています。でも正直、もちろん前より話すのに慣れたけど、まだ自分が話したいように話せないことが多くて悔しい思いを沢山します。スピーキングは難関…毎日ネイティブから盗めるフレーズがわんさかあります。あれ?言いたいことが伝わってないと思うことなんて日常茶飯事。けれど個人的に、英語でしか通じない世界最高!というのも、恥ずかしがる必要なくこっちでは話し放題。日本にいるときは人前で話す恥ずかしさを感じることもあったけど、こっちにいると英語を使わないと伝わらない!ここでは好きなだけ話していいのかって思って、進んで勉強中です:) (やっぱり好きなことって大きな原動力になります)私の理想像はネイティブ?ちがう違う、日本出身だったのかと勘違いされるレベルになることです、頑張ります!え!、やば!などのふとしたときの効果音の日本語が英語に変わり、夢を英語で見るようになれば合格かなと思います!
Firstly, I will talk about my English. I feel my listening skill is getting better because I have been able to listen without subtitles on YouTube. But my speaking is still bad. Of course, it is also getting better but I couldn't correctly say what I wanted to say, so I often felt so frustrated! I learn a lot from native speakers every day. However, personally, I really like speaking English so it's wonderful to speak as much as I want here!! There are only people that can speak English!! I felt ashamed when I was in Japan, but here is not. So I really enjoy speaking English and learning a lot!! My goal is to be like a native speaker who is just from Japan! I will keep my effort and do my best:))
時間/ time
こっちに来てからひとりで過ごす時間が圧倒的に増えました。自分と向きあって自分を考える時間がすごく増えました。もちろん友達と過ごす時間もありますが、日本では友達や家族といた時間が1人になったので恋しく感じます:’( 日本の大学でのみんなと過ごした自由時間、家族との夕食の時間が恋しいです。基本的にこっちでのルーティンは平日は毎日宿題があるので勉強して(lunch breakはpicnicするのがマイブーム!!)土日は予定を入れるようにしています!新しい出会い、経験をしては刺激をもらって、楽しいって感じてます!また最近は日曜日に家のまわりをショッピングすることがマイブーム✨Thrift shop, department storeをまわります。(個人的にTargetがお気に入り❤️)
Since I came here, I have had more time to spend alone than in Japan. I have had a lot of time to think about myself. Of course, I've had time to be with my friends and it's so fun, but I miss spending time with my friends in my free time at my home university and my family time in the living room at dinner time so so so much!!! Usually, I've been busy studying on weekdays (My booming is having a picnic on my lunch break!) and having some plans on weekends! It's so fun for me to meet new people and have new experiences::))) And recently, I like to go shopping around my apartment on Sundays! I usually explore thrift shops and department stores!!! (For me, Target is the best!!!)
This is already too long, so I will move on to the second article this time!! Thank you for reading this time as well!!!
Can you see that sign? I was so surprised that I found Lawrence and Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, Japan are sister cities!!!