

In Camden market to find a new bag, I walked around. I could have seen some bag shop which seemed expensive. But I was interested in a shop that sold leather bags. I entered the shop and when I was staring at some bag, staff, probably he was Italian, came closer to me and promoted me to buy a bag. He told me it was high quality and waterproof. I finally bought it. I think even if he hadn't explained it to me, I wouldn't have done it. Because I entered the store twice and I was subconsciously curious about the bag. On the other hand, by the time I bought it, I was convinced by him, which was unfortunate.

When I walked in Portobello Market, I found some antique shop that sold old coins or pottery fragments. I looked around and saw a Roman coin made of gold or silver. And the staff spoke to me and he said this is a real Roman coin and you should have bought it. After I told him that my major was Roman history, he also recommended me. So I whispered to him, "So you mean I have no choice. I have to buy it, right?" He said no. He also added that I would give you a discount. I was thrilled because I could have bought a Roman gold coin for 30 pounds. But at that time I didn't buy it because something intuition hesitated me.
I couldn't make a decision and took a photo, which the staff was not allowed to do.
After walking almost the whole market, I returned to the shop and was about to buy. I carefully chose one. After I presented it to the staff and he prepared it, a man walking behind me spoke to me and asked me "How much is this?" I told him "30£". He said it was fake and real one that I can see British Museum cost 2000 £. The staff and the man argued. However, I didn't understand all but the staff claimed he told me it was fake. I was in two-mind. Who should I trust. Finally I trusted the man because he seemed to be a collector and showed me some collections and I bought a bronze one from him. Sometimes I didn't hear what he was saying.
The employee who lost the argument seemed sad when I looked at him, which made me complex.

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