ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024] 10月7日 October 7
Ⅱコリント 1:6【口語訳】
But if we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation. If we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you the patient enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer.
ⅡCorinthians 1:6【WEB】
Believers are comforted by God in the midst of trials, and are given the strength to persevere and be strengthened.
· 患難は避けられない: 信仰生活を送る上で、患難は避けられないものであることを受け入れる。
· 患難の目的: 患難は、私たちを神に近づけ、信仰を深めるための試練であると理解する。
· 患難を通じた成長: 患難を乗り越えることで、私たちは霊的に成長し、強くなる。
· 互いの慰め: 患難に苦しんでいる人々を慰め、支え合うことが大切。
· 神の働き: 患難も慰めも、すべては神の手によって導かれていると信じる。
● 患難に直面したときの態度: 患難に直面した時、神への信頼を深め、その目的を尋ねる。
● 他者への共感: 患難に苦しんでいる人々の気持ちを理解し、共感する。
● 教会の共同体: 教会の中で、互いに支え合い、慰め合う。
● 祈りの生活: 困難な状況においても、神に祈り、その導きを求める。
● 感謝: どんな状況においても、神への感謝を忘れない。
In this passage, Paul explains to the Corinthians that the tribulations and consolations they experience help them connect with one another and grow in faith. In other words, when we experience suffering, it is not in vain, but God works through it as a force to grow us and comfort others.
Lessons for believers to apply in their life of faith
·Tribulation is inevitable: Accept that tribulation is an inevitable part of living a life of faith.
·Purpose of the Tribulation: Understand that the Tribulation is a test to bring us closer to God and to deepen our faith.
·Growth through the Tribulation: By going through the Tribulation, we grow spiritually and become stronger.
·Comfort one another: It is important to comfort and support those who are suffering from the Tribulation.
·God's Work: We believe that both affliction and comfort are all guided by the hand of God.
Application to the life of faith
● Attitude in the face of affliction: When faced with affliction, trust God more and ask him for his purpose.
● empathy for others: understand and sympathize with those who are suffering from afflictions.
● Church Community: Supporting and comforting one another in the church.
● Prayer Life: Praying to God and seeking his guidance in difficult situations.
● Thankfulness: I remember to thank God in all circumstances.
I accept the sufferings and trials that I am sure to experience in my life of faith as not mere misfortunes, but as opportunities for God to help me grow,
and I pray that the suffering I experience will be a comfort to others, a force to create a chain of faith, and be used for the growth of the Church.
聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).