
ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024]   12月3日 December 3

箴言 3:5【口語訳】
Trust in Yahweh with all your heart,
    and don’t lean on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5【WEB】

AIによるイメージ。箴言 3:5 Proverbs 3:5
Believers live in society with correct ethics, taught and guided by God.



神様への信頼: 「心をつくして主に信頼せよ」という言葉は、私たちが神様を全的に信頼し、頼りとするべきであることを示しています。自分自身の力や知恵ではなく、神様の助けを求めることが大切です。
人間の知識の限界: 「自分の知識にたよってはならない」という言葉は、人間の知識は限られていることを認識し、神様の知恵の深さを謙虚に受け入れるべきであることを教えています。
神様の導き: 神様は、私たちの人生を導いてくださる存在です。神様の道を信頼し、従うことで、私たちは正しい方向へと導かれるでしょう。


● 祈りの大切さ: 毎日、神様との対話を大切にし、祈りの生活を送りましょう。祈ることで、神様の導きを求め、心を通わせることができます。
● 聖書の学び: 聖書を通して、神様の言葉を学び、その教えに従うように努めましょう。聖書は、神様の導きを受けるための羅針盤です。
● 謙虚な心: 神様の前に謙虚になり、自分の無知を認めましょう。神様は、謙虚な心に豊かな祝福を与えてくださいます。
● 信仰の共同体: 教会など、信仰の共同体の中で、他の信者たちと交わり、互いに励まし合いましょう。


● 情報リテラシー: 情報を鵜呑みにせず、聖書に基づいて真偽を見極める力を養いましょう。
● 倫理観: 社会のルールや道徳を守り、正しい判断を下せるようにしましょう。
● 生涯学習: 常に学び続け、自己成長を目指しましょう。


This scripture provides very important guidelines on how to build a relationship with God and how to accept God's guidance in our lives of faith.

Lessons learned from this scripture
Trust in God: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” indicates that we should trust and rely on God totally. It is important to seek God's help, not our own strength or wisdom.
Limits of Human Knowledge: “Do not lean on your own knowledge” teaches us to recognize that human knowledge is limited and to humbly accept the depth of God's wisdom.
God's Guidance: God is the one who guides our lives. By trusting and following God's path, we will be led in the right direction.

Application to the Life of Faith
● The Importance of Prayer: Maintain a daily dialogue with God and a life of prayer. By praying, we can seek God's guidance and communicate with Him.
● Bible study: Study God's word through the Bible and strive to follow its teachings. The Bible is your compass for receiving God's guidance.
● Humility: Humble yourself before God and admit your ignorance. God will richly bless a humble heart.
● Community of Faith: In a community of faith, such as a church, fellowship with other believers and encourage one another.

Application in modern society
In today's society, there is so much information that it is difficult to discern what is true. This passage of Scripture can guide us to rely on God and make right decisions even in such times.
● Information Literacy: Cultivate the ability to discern truth and falsehood based on the Bible, rather than relying on information.
● Ethics: Make sure you follow the rules and morals of society so that you can make good decisions.
● Lifelong Learning: Continually learn and strive for personal growth.
In my life of faith, I have been taught the importance of building a relationship with God and receiving His wisdom.

I pray that by trusting God and following His Word and guidance, I will bear richer fruit in my life.

聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).
