
ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024]   9月3日 September 3

ピリピ 4:19【口語訳】
My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 
Philippians 4:19【WEB】

AIによるイメージ。ピリピ 4:19 Philippians 4:19
Believers enjoy the riches of God's glory in their lives.

 ● 神は豊か: 私たちの神は、すべてのものを創造し、支配する無限の力と富をお持ちです。
 ● 神はすべての必要を満たす: 物質的な必要だけでなく、精神的な必要、霊的な必要までも、神は満たしてくださいます。
 ● キリストを通して: 神の恵みは、キリストを通して私たちに与えられます。キリストこそが、神と私たちをつなぐ橋なのです。
 ● 感謝の心: 神の恵みに感謝し、その恵みを大切にしましょう。


 ● 物質的な豊かさ: 物質的な豊かさだけでなく、健康、家族、友人など、神から与えられたすべての恵みに感謝しましょう。
 ● 困難な状況における信頼: 困難な状況に直面した時でも、神が必ず私たちを助け、必要なものを与えてくださると信じて、祈りましょう。
 ● 奉仕の心: 神から受けた恵みを、周囲の人々と分かち合い、奉仕の心で生きていきましょう。
 ● 祈りの生活: 神との交わりを深めるために、日々祈り、神の声に耳を傾けましょう。

This scripture was given by the Apostle Paul in a letter to the congregation of the church in Philippi while he was in prison. Paul shows us how rich God is and how powerful He is to provide for all our needs. He gives us the assurance that no matter what our circumstances, God loves us and will give us everything we need. Let us live each day with a deepened trust in God and a thankful heart.
Lessons learned from this scripture
 ● God is rich: Our God has unlimited power and wealth to create and rule over all things.
 ● God meets all needs: God meets not only our material needs, but also our spiritual and emotional needs.
 ● Through Christ: God's grace comes to us through Christ. Christ is the bridge between God and us.
 ● Gratitude: Be thankful for God's grace and cherish it.
Application to the life of faith
 ● material wealth: Be thankful for all the blessings God has given you, not only material wealth, but also health, family, friends, etc.
 ● Trust in Difficult Situations: Pray in the face of difficult situations, believing that God will surely help us and provide us with what we need.
 ● SERVICE MIND: Share the blessings we receive from God with those around us and live with a heart of service.
 ● Prayer Life: Pray daily and listen to God's voice to deepen your fellowship with Him.
I pray for God's grace and help to deepen my trust in Him and to live each day with a thankful heart, no matter what the circumstances.

聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).
