
ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024]   11月7日 November 7

Ⅰテモテ 2:1【口語訳】
I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and givings of thanks be made for all men: 
ⅠTimothy 2:1【WEB】

AIによるイメージ。Ⅰテモテ 2:1 ⅠTimothy 2:1
The faithful pray for the leaders who rise above any social system.



· 祈りの普遍性: 祈りは、個人的な問題だけでなく、社会全体の問題にも向けられるべきです。
· 社会への関与: 信仰者は、社会から隔絶された存在ではなく、社会の一員として積極的に関わるべきです。
· 権力者への祈り: 政府や社会を導く人々のためにも祈ることは、平和な社会の実現につながります。
· 感謝の心: 神様への感謝だけでなく、周りの人々や社会への感謝の心も大切です。


  ●政治への関与: 選挙や政治活動を通して、社会をより良い方向へ導くために貢献できます。
  ●ボランティア活動: 地域社会のためにボランティア活動を行い、愛の実践を体現できます。
  ●対人関係: 異なる意見を持つ人々とも対話し、理解を深めることができます。
  ●平和への貢献: 世界の平和を願い、平和活動に参加することができます。


  ●毎日の祈り: 毎日の祈りの時間に、社会の平和やリーダーたちの指導を祈る。
  ●教会での祈り: 教会で共に祈り、社会のために祈る時間を設ける。
  ●ボランティア活動への参加: 地域のボランティア活動に参加し、奉仕の心を育む。  
  ●平和活動への参加: 平和を願うイベントやデモに参加する。

In this passage, Paul gives Timothy specifics on the subject and content of what the congregation should pray for. He teaches that they should not merely pray for personal wishes, but also for society as a whole, especially those in power.
Lessons for the faithful to apply in their lives of faith.
·universality of prayer: prayer should be directed not only to personal issues, but also to society as a whole.
·Involvement in society: believers should not be isolated from society, but should be active members of it.
·Prayer for those in power: Prayer for the government and those who lead society as well will lead to a peaceful society.
·Gratitude: In addition to gratitude to God, gratitude to the people and society around us is also important.
Application in modern society
  ●Political Involvement: Through elections and political activities, we can help lead our society in a better direction.
  ●Volunteerism: You can embody the practice of love by volunteering for your community.
  ●Interpersonal Relations: Interact with people of different opinions to deepen understanding.
  ●Contribution to Peace: You can participate in peace activities for the sake of world peace.
How can you put this into practice?
  ●Daily Prayer: Pray for peace in society and guidance from leaders during daily prayer time.
  ●Prayer at church: Pray together in church and set aside time to pray for society.
  ●Volunteer Involvement: Participate in community volunteer activities to foster a spirit of service.
  ●Participation in Elections: Exercise your right to vote and get involved in the future of society.
  ●Participate in peace activities: attend peace events and demonstrations.
I believe that it is important for people of faith to take responsibility for society.
I pray that through prayer I may contribute to the peace and development of society and that I may deepen my faith through my involvement with society.

聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).
