ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024] 10月30日 October 30
Ⅰテサロニケ 5:11【口語訳】
Therefore exhort one another, and build each other up, even as you also do.
ⅠThessalonians 5:11【WEB】
● 互いの励まし: 信仰の共同体において、私たちは互いに励まし合い、共に歩む必要があります。困難な状況に直面したとき、言葉や行動で相手を励ますことで、彼らは力づけられます。
● 霊的な成長: 私たちは、互いに霊的な成長を促し合う必要があります。聖書の学びを共に行ったり、祈りの時間を共にしたりすることで、信仰を深めることができます。
● 奉仕の精神: 私たちは、教会の中で、自分の才能や賜物を生かして奉仕することで、他の信徒たちの霊的な成長に貢献できます。
● 孤独との戦い: 孤独を感じたとき、教会の共同体の中で、仲間と共に信仰を分かち合う。
● 困難な状況での支え: 病気や失業など、困難な状況に直面したとき、教会のメンバーから励ましを受ける。
● 社会貢献: 地域社会の中で、困っている人を助け、共に生きる。
This passage commends and encourages the Thessalonian congregation to continue the beautiful form of mutual encouragement and spiritual growth that they were already practicing with each other.
Application to the Life of Faith
Here are some lessons from this passage that we can apply in our lives of faith
● Encourage one another: In the community of faith, we need to encourage one another and walk together. When faced with difficult situations, they can be strengthened by encouraging others with words and actions.
● SPIRITUAL GROWTH: We need to encourage each other's spiritual growth. We can deepen our faith by studying the Bible together and spending time together in prayer.
● spirit of service: We can contribute to the spiritual growth of other congregations by serving within the church using our talents and gifts.
Application in Contemporary Society
Today's society tends to be increasingly individualistic, and human relationships tend to be weak. In this context, this biblical teaching teaches us the importance of warm human relationships.
● Fighting Loneliness: When you feel lonely, share your faith with your fellow believers in a church community.
● Support in Difficult Situations: When we face difficult situations, such as illness or unemployment, we receive encouragement from church members.
● Social contribution: Helping and living with others in need in the community.
I have been taught that faith is not something we do alone, but something we nurture together in community. I pray that you give me good friends who can deepen my faith by supporting and encouraging each other and my fellow church members.
聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).