ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024] 10月14日 October 14
Ⅱコリント 11:14【口語訳】
And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light.
ⅡCorinthians 11:14【WEB】
1. 偽りの霊を警戒せよ
教訓: 私たちを欺こうとする偽りの霊、つまりサタンの働きを常に警戒する必要があります。サタンは、魅力的な言葉、感情に訴えかけるメッセージ、あるいは善行を装って、私たちを神から遠ざけようとするかもしれません。
2. 外見に惑わされない
教訓: 人や出来事の表面的な魅力に惑わされず、その本質を見極めることが大切です。サタンは、善の仮面を被り、私たちを欺こうとします。私たちは、聖書の教えに基づいて、その真偽を見分ける必要があります。
3. 常に聖霊の導きを求めよ
教訓: 聖霊の導きを求め、その内なる声に耳を傾けることが重要です。聖霊は、真理を教え、偽りを暴き、私たちを正しい道へと導いてくれます。
4. 信仰の共同体の中で学び合い成長せよ
教訓: 信仰の仲間たちと集い、互いに励まし合い、聖書を学び合うことは、偽りの教えを見破る上で非常に有効です。信仰の共同体の中で、私たちは互いに成長し、霊的に強くなることができます。
5. discernment(識別力)を養う
教訓: discernment(識別力)を養うことは、信仰生活において不可欠です。聖書を学び、祈り、そして霊的な経験を通して、私たちは善悪を判断する能力を身につけることができます。
● 新しい教えに出会った時: その教えが聖書の教えと一致しているか、聖霊の導きを感じるかを慎重に検討する。
● 魅力的な人物やグループに誘われた時: その人物やグループの目的や動機を疑い、聖書の教えに基づいて判断する。
● 困難な状況に直面した時: 焦らず、祈り、聖書の言葉を頼りに、神のご計画を見出す。
This scripture teaches us that Satan can deceive under the guise of goodness. What lessons can we draw from these words in our lives of faith?
1. be on the lookout for deceitful spirits
Lesson learned: We must always be on guard against the works of a deceitful spirit, or Satan, who seeks to deceive us. Satan may try to lead us away from God under the guise of attractive words, emotional messages, or good deeds. 2.
2. do not be deceived by appearances
Lesson learned: do not be deceived by the superficial attractiveness of a person or event, but discern its true nature. Satan tries to deceive us by putting on a mask of goodness. We need to discern its truth and falsehood based on the teachings of the Bible.
3. always seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Lesson learned:It is important to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and listen to His inner voice. The Holy Spirit teaches us the truth, exposes falsehoods, and guides us in the right path.
4. learn and grow in the community of faith
Lesson learned: Gathering with others in the fellowship of faith, encouraging one another, and studying the Bible together can be very effective in detecting false teaching. In a community of faith, we can grow and strengthen each other spiritually. 5.
5. cultivate discernment
Lesson learned: Cultivating discernment is essential in the life of faith. Through Bible study, prayer, and spiritual experience, we can develop the ability to discern right from wrong.
Application to the Life of Faith
● When encountering a new teaching: Carefully consider whether the teaching is consistent with the teachings of the Bible and whether you feel the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
● When you are invited to join an attractive person or group: question the purpose and motives of the person or group and base your decision on biblical teaching.
● When faced with a difficult situation: do not be hasty, pray, and rely on the word of the Bible to discover God's plan.
I pray that we will remember that Satan approaches us to deceive us under the mask of goodness, and that by studying and understanding the Bible well, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and growing in the community of faith, we will see through the false spirits and defend our true faith.
聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).