
ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024]   10月27日 October 27

Ⅰテサロニケ 1:7【口語訳】
so that you became an example to all who believe in Macedonia and in Achaia.
ⅠThessalonians 1:7【WEB】 

AIによるイメージ。Ⅰテサロニケ 1:7 ⅠThessalonians 1:7
Believers practice a life of faith that serves as an example to other believers.



 ● 信仰の証し: 私たちの信仰は、言葉だけでなく、行動によって示されます。日常の生活の中で、キリストの愛を表現し、信仰の証しとなることが大切です。
 ● 周囲への影響: 私たちの信仰は、周囲の人々に影響を与えます。特に、未信者の友人や家族に対して、良い影響を与えられるよう心がけましょう。
 ● 教会の共同体: 教会は、信仰の共同体です。互いに励まし合い、共に成長していくことが大切です。
 ● 奉仕の精神: 教会の中で、自分の才能や賜物を生かして奉仕することで、教会の成長に貢献できます。


 ● 社会における光と塩: 社会の中で、キリストの愛を証しし、光と塩の役割を果たす。
 ● 異文化理解: 異なる文化や価値観を持つ人々との出会いの中で、キリストの愛を伝える。
 ● 社会問題への関心: 社会の様々な問題に対して、キリストの愛に基づいて行動する。

This passage of Scripture shows that the Thessalonians were an example of a life of faith to other congregations in the church. They held fast to their faith and grew spiritually in the midst of difficult circumstances, and their example had a profound impact on those around them.
Application to the Life of Faith
The following are lessons from this passage of Scripture that we can apply in our lives of faith today.
 ● Witness our faith: our faith is demonstrated not only by our words, but also by our actions. It is important to express the love of Christ in our daily lives and be a witness of our faith.
 ● Impact on those around us: Our faith impacts those around us. We should try to be a positive influence, especially on our unbelieving friends and family.
 ● Church Community: The church is a community of faith. It is important to encourage one another and grow together.
 ● Spirit of Service: You can contribute to the growth of the church by using your talents and gifts to serve within the church.
Application in Contemporary Society
Today's society is changing at a dizzying pace, with diverse values coexisting. In this context, this biblical teaching provides us with solid guidance.
 ● Light and Salt in Society: witness to the love of Christ and serve as light and salt in society.
 ● Cross-cultural understanding: to share the love of Christ in encounters with people of different cultures and values.
 ● concern for social issues: act on the love of Christ in response to the various problems of society.
I pray that in my life of faith I will not only deepen my relationship with God as an individual, but that I will be a positive influence on those around me and a contributor to the growth of the Church.

聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).
