ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024] 10月6日 October 6
Ⅰコリント 15:10【口語訳】
But by the grace of God I am what I am. His grace which was given to me was not futile, but I worked more than all of them; yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.
ⅠCorinthians 15:10【WEB】
Believers continue to speak the gospel of God's grace throughout their lives.
· すべての良いものは神から: 私たちが持つ才能、能力、そして信仰生活を送るための力、すべては神からの恵みであることを認識しましょう。
· 謙遜な態度: 自分自身の働きを誇るのではなく、神への感謝の気持ちを持ち、謙遜な態度でいましょう。
· 神の恵みの力: 神の恵みは、私たちが想像する以上に大きな力を持っています。
· 福音の働き: 神の恵みに動かされ、福音を伝える働きに積極的に参加しましょう。
· 共同体への貢献: 教会の中で、自分の賜物を活かして、他の人のために奉仕しましょう。
● 自己評価の見直し: 自分の能力を過大評価せず、神からの恵みに感謝しましょう。
● 祈りの生活: 神の恵みを深く体験するために、祈りの時間を大切にしましょう。
● 奉仕の機会: 教会や地域社会で、奉仕の機会を探しましょう。
● 福音の証人: キリストの愛を証しし、多くの人をキリストのもとへ招きましょう。
● 共同体の大切さ: 教会の共同体の中で、互いに励まし合いながら信仰生活を送りましょう。
This passage of Scripture emphasizes how zealous Paul is in his ministry of preaching the gospel, and that this ministry is not of his own strength, but by grace from God. Paul is not praising himself for his ministry, but humbly attributing glory to God.
Lessons for believers to apply in their life of faith
·All good things come from God: recognize that our talents, abilities, and strength to live a life of faith, all are blessings from God.
·HUMILITY: Instead of boasting of our own works, let us be humble and thankful to God.
·Power of God's grace: God's grace is more powerful than we can imagine.
·The Work of the Gospel: Moved by God's grace, let us actively participate in the work of sharing the gospel.
·Contribution to the community: use your gifts to serve others in the church.
Application to the Life of Faith
● Re-evaluate Yourself: Don't overestimate your abilities and be thankful for God's blessings.
● Prayer Life: Make time for prayer to experience God's grace in a deeper way.
● Service Opportunities: Look for opportunities to serve in your church and community.
● Witness to the Gospel: witness to the love of Christ and invite many to come to Him.
● Community Matters: live out your faith in the community of the church, encouraging one another.
I was taught that we Christians should live our lives relying on grace from God and not on our own strength.
I pray that God's grace will guide me, strengthen me, and bear abundant fruit in my life.
聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).