ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024] 7月30日 July 30
マタイ 24:14【口語訳】
For there will arise false christs, and false prophets, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones. Matthew 24:14【WEB】
1. 福音宣教の重要性
· 普遍的な責任: この節は、福音が「すべての民」に宣べ伝えられるべきであると明確に示しています。これは、私たち一人ひとりに課せられた普遍的な責任です。
· 積極的な働きかけ: 私たちは、単に福音を信じるだけで満足するのではなく、積極的に周囲の人々に福音を伝え、神の愛と救いを分かち合う必要があります。
· 様々な方法: 福音宣教には、言葉による伝道だけでなく、生活を通してキリストの愛を示すことも含まれます。
2. 使命感と緊急性
· 終わりの時の迫り: この節は、福音宣べ伝達の重要性を強調するために、「世の終わり」が来ることを示しています。
· 使命感を持つ: 私たちは、与えられた限られた時間で、できるだけ多くの人に福音を伝えるという使命感を持つ必要があります。
· 緊急性をもって取り組む: 世の終わりがいつ来るかは分からないため、今この瞬間を大切にし、緊急性をもって福音宣べ伝に取り組むことが求められます。
3. 希望と備え
· 御国の到来: 福音宣べ伝の目的は、御国の到来を告げ知らせ、人々を神の救いに導くことです。
· 希望を持つ: 世の終わりが近づいているとしても、私たちは御国の到来という希望を持つことができます。
· 備えをする: 御国の到来に向けて、霊的に備えをすることが大切です。
· 積極的に福音を宣べ伝え、神の愛と救いを多くの人々に分かち合う。
· 与えられた限られた時間を大切にし、緊急性をもって福音宣教に取り組む。
· 御国の到来という希望を持ち、霊的に備えをする。
This passage of Scripture is where Jesus Christ spoke about the proclamation of the Gospel of His Kingdom and the coming of the end of the world. It teaches us Christians important lessons about the importance of gospel proclamation, a sense of mission and urgency, and hope and preparedness.
It calls us Christians today to three important missions and responsibilities
1. the importance of evangelization
· Universal Responsibility: This verse clearly indicates that the gospel is to be proclaimed to “all peoples.” This is a universal responsibility that is incumbent upon each of us.
·Active outreach: We must not be content with simply believing the gospel, but must actively share it with those around us, sharing God's love and salvation.
· Various Ways: Gospel proclamation includes not only verbal evangelism, but also showing the love of Christ through our lives.
2. sense of mission and urgency
·The end times are imminent: This verse indicates that the “end of the world” is coming in order to emphasize the importance of the proclamation of the gospel.
· have a sense of mission: we need to have a sense of mission to share the gospel with as many people as possible in the limited time we have been given.
· with a sense of urgency: Since we do not know when the end of the world will come, we need to cherish the present moment and approach the proclamation of the gospel with a sense of urgency.
3. hope and preparation
· Coming of the Kingdom: The purpose of the gospel proclamation is to announce the coming of the Kingdom and to lead people to God's salvation.
·Have Hope: Even though the end of the world is near, we can have hope in the coming of the Kingdom.
· Prepare: It is important to be spiritually prepared for the coming of the Kingdom.
Keep this scripture in mind and be aware of the following in your daily life of faith.
· actively proclaim the gospel and share God's love and salvation with as many people as possible.
·Take care of the limited time we are given and engage in gospel proclamation with a sense of urgency.
· be spiritually equipped with the hope of the coming of the Kingdom.
I pray that the Holy Spirit will help me to be aware of this mission and that by acting on it, I will use the gifts given to me so that the Gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world and many will be saved, and that I will witness through my life.
聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).