暗号資産・販売所ザイフ(zaif) 自動売買システム開発サンプル ドラゴン・シグナル
from zaifapi import ZaifPublicApi
zaif_public = ZaifPublicApi()
import time
import threading
import tkinter
import math
import requests
import json
loop = 1260
hei = 680
count = -1
root = tkinter.Tk()
root.geometry("1300x715") #note = 1210x710" desk = 1600x830
ca = tkinter.Canvas(width=loop, height=hei, bg="white") #note = height=680 desk = height=800
me = tkinter.Message(root, text="銭の生る樹", font=("Times New ZRoman", 16), width=500)
me.place(x=20, y=100)
flag = "off"
histry1s = []
histry10s = []
histry1m = []
histry2m = []
histry4m = []
histry8m = []
histry16m = []
histry32m = []
histry64m = []
stance = [None] * loop
market = "bitflyer" # "zaif" "bitflyer"
entry = "ok"
def func1():
global flag
global ca
global count
global loop
global histry1s
global histry10s
global histry1m
global histry2m
global histry4m
global histry8m
global histry16m
global histry32m
global histry64m
global stance
while True:
count = count + 1
if market == "bitflyer":
# bitflyer
#res = requests.get('https://api.zaif.jp/api/1/last_price/btc_jpy')
res = requests.get('https://api.bitflyer.jp/v1/getboard?product_code=BTC_JPY')
if res.status_code != 200:
raise Exception('return status code is {}'.format(res.status_code))
price = json.loads(res.text)
graph_y = int(price["mid_price"])
# zaif
res = zaif_public.last_price('btc_jpy') #
graph_y = int(res["last_price"]) #
me["text"] = "count = {}".format(count),str(graph_y)
index = len(histry1s)
if index < loop:
stance[index] = 0
for i in range(1,loop):
histry1s[i-1] = histry1s[i]
stance[i-1] = stance[i]
histry1s[loop - 1] = graph_y
stance[loop - 1] = 0
if count >= 10:
total = 0
for s in range(len(histry1s) - 10,len(histry1s)):
total = total + histry1s[s]
heikin10s = total // 10
if len(histry10s) < loop:
for i in range(1,loop):
histry10s[i-1] = histry10s[i]
histry10s[loop - 1] = heikin10s
if count >= 60:
total = 0
for s in range(len(histry1s) - 60,len(histry1s)):
total = total + histry1s[s]
heikin1m = total // 60
if len(histry1m) < loop:
for i in range(1,loop):
histry1m[i-1] = histry1m[i]
histry1m[loop - 1] = heikin1m
if count >= 120:
total = 0
for s in range(len(histry1s) - 120,len(histry1s)):
total = total + histry1s[s]
heikin2m = total // 120
if len(histry2m) < loop:
for i in range(1,loop):
histry2m[i-1] = histry2m[i]
histry2m[loop - 1] = heikin2m
if count >= 240:
total = 0
for s in range(len(histry1s) - 240,len(histry1s)):
total = total + histry1s[s]
heikin4m = total // 240
if len(histry4m) < loop:
for i in range(1,loop):
histry4m[i-1] = histry4m[i]
histry4m[loop - 1] = heikin4m
if count >= 480:
total = 0
for s in range(len(histry1s) - 480,len(histry1s)):
total = total + histry1s[s]
heikin8m = total // 480
if len(histry8m) < loop:
for i in range(1,loop):
histry8m[i-1] = histry8m[i]
histry8m[loop - 1] = heikin8m
if count >= 960:
total = 0
for s in range(len(histry1s) - 960,len(histry1s)):
total = total + histry1s[s]
heikin16m = total // 960
if len(histry16m) < loop:
for i in range(1,loop):
histry16m[i-1] = histry16m[i]
histry16m[loop - 1] = heikin16m
if count >= 1920:
total = 0
for s in range(len(histry1s) - 1920,len(histry1s)):
total = total + histry1s[s]
heikin32m = total // 1920
if len(histry32m) < loop:
for i in range(1,loop):
histry32m[i-1] = histry32m[i]
histry32m[loop - 1] = heikin32m
if count >= 3840:
total = 0
for s in range(len(histry1s) - 3840,len(histry1s)):
total = total + histry1s[s]
heikin64m = total // 3840
if len(histry64m) < loop:
for i in range(1,loop):
histry64m[i-1] = histry64m[i]
histry64m[loop - 1] = heikin64m
if count >= 3840:
price1s = histry1s[len(histry1s) - 1]
price10s = histry10s[len(histry10s) - 1]
price1m = histry1m[len(histry1m) - 1]
price2m = histry2m[len(histry2m) - 1]
price4m = histry4m[len(histry4m) - 1]
price8m = histry8m[len(histry8m) - 1]
price16m = histry16m[len(histry16m) - 1]
price32m = histry32m[len(histry32m) - 1]
price64m = histry64m[len(histry64m) - 1]
if histry1m[len(histry1m) - 2] < histry1m[len(histry1m) - 1]:
hi_low1 = 1
if histry1m[len(histry1m) - 2] == histry1m[len(histry1m) - 1]:
hi_low1 = 0
if histry1m[len(histry1m) - 2] > histry1m[len(histry1m) - 1]:
hi_low1 = -1
if histry2m[len(histry2m) - 2] < histry2m[len(histry2m) - 1]:
hi_low2 = 1
if histry2m[len(histry2m) - 2] == histry2m[len(histry2m) - 1]:
hi_low2 = 0
if histry2m[len(histry2m) - 2] > histry2m[len(histry2m) - 1]:
hi_low2 = -1
if histry4m[len(histry4m) - 2] < histry4m[len(histry4m) - 1]:
hi_low4 = 1
if histry4m[len(histry4m) - 2] == histry4m[len(histry4m) - 1]:
hi_low4 = 0
if histry4m[len(histry4m) - 2] > histry4m[len(histry4m) - 1]:
hi_low4 = -1
if histry8m[len(histry8m) - 2] < histry8m[len(histry8m) - 1]:
hi_low8 = 1
if histry8m[len(histry8m) - 2] == histry8m[len(histry8m) - 1]:
hi_low8 = 0
if histry8m[len(histry8m) - 2] > histry8m[len(histry8m) - 1]:
hi_low8 = -1
if histry16m[len(histry16m) - 2] < histry16m[len(histry16m) - 1]:
hi_low16 = 1
if histry16m[len(histry16m) - 2] == histry16m[len(histry16m) - 1]:
hi_low16 = 0
if histry16m[len(histry16m) - 2] > histry16m[len(histry16m) - 1]:
hi_low16 = -1
if histry32m[len(histry32m) - 2] < histry32m[len(histry32m) - 1]:
hi_low32 = 1
if histry32m[len(histry32m) - 2] == histry32m[len(histry32m) - 1]:
hi_low32 = 0
if histry32m[len(histry32m) - 2] > histry32m[len(histry32m) - 1]:
hi_low32 = -1
if histry64m[len(histry64m) - 2] < histry64m[len(histry64m) - 1]:
hi_low64 = 1
if histry64m[len(histry64m) - 2] == histry64m[len(histry64m) - 1]:
hi_low64 = 0
if histry64m[len(histry64m) - 2] > histry64m[len(histry64m) - 1]:
hi_low64 = -1
stance[len(stance) - 1] = 0
if count > len(stance) + stack:
#avr1m["text"] = "1m: {}".format(str(price1m)) #1m
#avr2m["text"] = "2m: {}".format(str(price2m)) #2m
#avr4m["text"] = "4m: {}".format(str(price4m)) #4m
#avr8m["text"] = "8m: {}".format(str(price8m)) #8m
#avr16m["text"] = "16m: {}".format(str(price16m)) #16m
#avr32m["text"] = "32m: {}".format(str(price32m)) #32m
#avr64m["text"] = "64m: {}".format(str(price64m)) #64m
if (price64m > price32m and hi_low64 == -1 and hi_low32 == -1) :
#print("64 > 32",end=" ")
if (price32m > price16m and hi_low32 == -1 and hi_low16 == -1) :
#print("32 > 16",end=" ")
if (price16m > price8m and hi_low16 == -1 and hi_low8 == -1) :
#print("16 > 8",end=" ")
if (price8m > price4m and hi_low8 == -1 and hi_low4 == -1) :
#print("8 > 4",end=" ")
if (price4m > price2m and hi_low4 == -1 and hi_low2 == -1) :
#print("4 > 2",end=" ")
if (price2m < price1m and hi_low2 == -1 and hi_low1 == 1) :
#print("2 < 1",end=" ")
if price1m < price10s:
print("2 < 1 買え{}".format(price10s))
stance[len(stance) - 1] = 1
action["text"] = "買え"
else: #price1m >= price1s
print("2 < 1 まだ下がる")
stance[len(stance) - 1] = 0
action["text"] = "下降中"
else: #price1m == price1s
print("2 > 1 下降中")
stance[len(stance) - 1] = 0
action["text"] = "下降中"
stance[len(stance) - 1] = 0
action["text"] = ""
stance[len(stance) - 1] = 0
action["text"] = ""
stance[len(stance) - 1] = 0
action["text"] = ""
stance[len(stance) - 1] = 0
action["text"] = ""
elif (price64m < price32m and hi_low64 == 1 and hi_low32 == 1) :
#print("64 < 32",end=" ")
if (price32m < price16m and hi_low32 == 1 and hi_low16 == 1) :
#print("32 < 16",end=" ")
if (price16m < price8m and hi_low16 == 1 and hi_low8 == 1) :
#print("16 < 8",end=" ")
if (price8m < price4m and hi_low8 == 1 and hi_low4 == 1) :
#print("8 < 4",end=" ")
if (price4m < price2m and hi_low4 == 1 and hi_low2 == 1) :
#print("4 < 2",end=" ")
if (price2m > price1m and hi_low2 == 1 and hi_low1 == -1) :
#print("2 > 1",end=" ")
if price1m > price10s:
print("2 > 1 売れ{}".format(price10s))
stance[len(stance) - 1] = -1
action["text"] = "売れ"
else: #price1m <= price1s
print("2 > 1 まだ上がる")
stance[len(stance) - 1] = 0
action["text"] = "上昇中"
else: #price1m == price1s
print("2 < 1 上昇中")
stance[len(stance) - 1] = 0
action["text"] = "上昇中"
stance[len(stance) - 1] = 0
action["text"] = ""
stance[len(stance) - 1] = 0
action["text"] = ""
stance[len(stance) - 1] = 0
action["text"] = ""
stance[len(stance) - 1] = 0
action["text"] = ""
#print("64 == 32")
stance[len(stance) - 1] = 0
action["text"] = ""
#print("stance = {}".format(stance[loop - 1]))
if count < loop + 10:
min_price = int(min(histry1s) / 100)
max_price = int(max(histry1s) / 100)
if count > loop + 10:
min_price = int(min(min(histry1s, histry10s, key=min)) / 100)
max_price = int(max(max(histry1s, histry10s, key=max)) / 100)
if count > loop + 60:
min_price = int(min(min(histry1s, histry10s, histry1m, key=min)) / 100)
max_price = int(max(max(histry1s, histry10s, histry1m, key=max)) / 100)
if count > loop + 120:
min_price = int(min(min(histry1s, histry10s, histry1m, histry2m, key=min)) / 100)
max_price = int(max(max(histry1s, histry10s, histry1m, histry2m, key=max)) / 100)
if count > loop + 240:
min_price = int(min(min(histry1s, histry10s, histry1m, histry2m, histry4m, key=min)) / 100)
max_price = int(max(max(histry1s, histry10s, histry1m, histry2m, histry4m, key=max)) / 100)
if count > loop + 480:
min_price = int(min(min(histry1s, histry10s, histry1m, histry2m, histry4m, histry8m, key=min)) / 100)
max_price = int(max(max(histry1s, histry10s, histry1m, histry2m, histry4m, histry8m, key=max)) / 100)
if count > loop + 960:
min_price = int(min(min(histry1s, histry10s, histry1m, histry2m, histry4m, histry8m, histry16m, key=min)) / 100)
max_price = int(max(max(histry1s, histry10s, histry1m, histry2m, histry4m, histry8m, histry16m, key=max)) / 100)
if count > loop + 1920:
min_price = int(min(min(histry1s, histry10s, histry1m, histry2m, histry4m, histry8m, histry16m, histry32m, key=min)) / 100)
max_price = int(max(max(histry1s, histry10s, histry1m, histry2m, histry4m, histry8m, histry16m, histry32m, key=max)) / 100)
if count > loop + 3840:
min_price = int(min(min(histry1s, histry10s, histry1m, histry2m, histry4m, histry8m, histry16m, histry32m, histry64m, key=min)) / 100)
max_price = int(max(max(histry1s, histry10s, histry1m, histry2m, histry4m, histry8m, histry16m, histry32m, histry64m, key=max)) / 100)
min_price = min_price - 1
max_price = max_price + 1
hi_range = max_price - min_price
bai = hei / hi_range
base_y = hei - 20
line10s_x = 800
line1m_x = 700
line2m_x = 600
line4m_x = 500
line8m_x = 400
line16m_x = 300
line32m_x = 200
line64m_x = 100
if count > 10:
hi_10s = max_price - int(histry10s[len(histry10s) - 1] /100)
barB_y = hi_10s * bai
ca.create_oval(line10s_x, barB_y,line10s_x + 15, barB_y + 15, fill="black",width=1)
if count > 60:
hi_1m = max_price - int(histry1m[len(histry1m) - 1] /100)
barC_y = hi_1m * bai
ca.create_oval(line1m_x, barC_y, line1m_x + 15, barC_y + 15, fill="coral",width=1)
if count > 120:
hi_2m = max_price - int(histry2m[len(histry2m) - 1] /100)
barD_y = hi_2m * bai
ca.create_oval(line2m_x, barD_y, line2m_x + 15, barD_y + 15, fill="deeppink",width=1)
if count > 240:
hi_4m = max_price - int(histry4m[len(histry4m) - 1] /100)
barM_y = hi_4m * bai
ca.create_oval(line4m_x, barM_y, line4m_x + 15, barM_y + 15, fill="mediumblue",width=1)
if count > 480:
hi_8m = max_price - int(histry8m[len(histry8m) - 1] /100)
barL_y = hi_8m * bai
ca.create_oval(line8m_x, barL_y, line8m_x + 15, barL_y + 15, fill="lime",width=1)
if count > 960:
hi_16m = max_price - int(histry16m[len(histry16m) - 1] /100)
barD_y = hi_16m * bai
ca.create_oval(line16m_x, barD_y, line16m_x + 15, barD_y + 15, fill="deeppink",width=1)
if count > 1920:
hi_32m = max_price - int(histry32m[len(histry32m) - 1] /100)
barM_y = hi_32m * bai
ca.create_oval(line32m_x, barM_y, line32m_x + 15, barM_y + 15, fill="mediumblue",width=1)
if count > 3840:
hi_64m = max_price - int(histry64m[len(histry64m) - 1] /100)
barL_y = hi_64m * bai
ca.create_oval(line64m_x, barL_y, line64m_x + 15, barL_y + 15, fill="lime",width=1)
barA_x = 10
j10s = -1
j1m = -1
j2m = -1
j4m = -1
j8m = -1
j16m = -1
j32m = -1
j64m = -1
for i in range(loop):
if len(histry10s) > 0:
if i > loop - len(histry10s):
j10s = j10s + 1
hi_10s = max_price - int(histry10s[j10s] /100)
barB_y = hi_10s * bai
ca.create_line(barA_x, barB_y, barA_x + 1, barB_y + 1, fill="black",width=2)
if len(histry1m) > 0:
if i > loop - len(histry1m):
j1m = j1m + 1
hi_1m = max_price - int(histry1m[j1m] /100)
barC_y = hi_1m * bai
ca.create_line(barA_x, barC_y, barA_x + 1, barC_y + 1, fill="coral",width=2)
if len(histry2m) > 0:
if i > loop - len(histry2m):
j2m = j2m + 1
hi_2m = max_price - int(histry2m[j2m] /100)
barD_y = hi_2m * bai
ca.create_line(barA_x, barD_y, barA_x + 1, barD_y + 1, fill="deeppink",width=2)
if len(histry4m) > 0:
if i > loop - len(histry4m):
j4m = j4m + 1
hi_4m = max_price - int(histry4m[j4m] /100)
barM_y = hi_4m * bai
ca.create_line(barA_x, barM_y, barA_x + 1, barM_y + 1, fill="mediumblue",width=2)
if len(histry8m) > 0:
if i > loop - len(histry8m):
j8m = j8m + 1
hi_8m = max_price - int(histry8m[j8m] /100)
barL_y = hi_8m * bai
ca.create_line(barA_x, barL_y, barA_x + 1, barL_y + 1, fill="lime",width=2)
if len(histry16m) > 0:
if i > loop - len(histry16m):
j16m = j16m + 1
hi_16m = max_price - int(histry16m[j16m] /100)
barL_y = hi_16m * bai
ca.create_line(barA_x, barL_y, barA_x + 1, barL_y + 1, fill="lime",width=2)
if len(histry32m) > 0:
if i > loop - len(histry32m):
j32m = j32m + 1
hi_32m = max_price - int(histry32m[j32m] /100)
barL_y = hi_32m * bai
ca.create_line(barA_x, barL_y, barA_x + 1, barL_y + 1, fill="lime",width=2)
if len(histry64m) > 0:
if i > loop - len(histry64m):
j64m = j64m + 1
hi_64m = max_price - int(histry64m[j64m] /100)
barL_y = hi_64m * bai
ca.create_line(barA_x, barL_y, barA_x + 1, barL_y + 1, fill="lime",width=2)
if stance[i] == 1:
ca.create_line(barA_x, 0, barA_x + 1, hei, fill="blue",width=1)
if stance[i] == -1:
ca.create_line(barA_x, 0, barA_x + 1, hei, fill="red", width=1)
barA_x = barA_x + 1
if flag == "on":
flag = "off"
print("loop end")
def btn_on2():
global flag
global bu2
bu2["text"] = "終了しました。"
flag = "on"
bu2 = tkinter.Button(root, text="ループ終了", font=("Times New ZRoman", 16), command=btn_on2)
bu2.place(x=20, y=50)
action = tkinter.Message(root, text="状態", font=("Times New ZRoman", 16), width=150)
action.place(x=150, y=50)
thread_1 = threading.Thread(target=func1)