正誤判別問題攻略法【Mission 31】
▼次の英文の[ ]内から誤りのある箇所を1ヶ所指摘しなさい。
[001] The weather forecast said that it [would be sunny], but no sooner [Hanako had left] the house [than] it started raining. She had to [rush back] inside to get an umbrella.(南山大学)
[002] Hardly [I had] left my office when my colleague received [a phone call] from the hospital, [where] my son's operation [had successfully been] completed.(松山大学)
[003] Henry objects to [our buying] this house [without] the [approval] [of our attorney], and [John does so].(北里大学)
(1) その内容がまだ「確定した事実」ではなく「仮定/未確定の内容」であることを示したい場合
(a) 疑問文
ex) Do you know he went out with her?
ex) Is he going to study abroad?
(b) 仮定法の倒置構文
ex) Were I a bird, I would fly to you.
(c) 譲歩構文中の倒置
ex) Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.
(→However humble it may be, there is no place like home.)
ex) Come what may, I'll do it for myself.
(→Whatever may come, I'll do it for myself.)
ex) Be they rich or poor, they must work.
(→Whether they are rich or poor, they must work.)
(2) 情報を〈旧情報⇒新情報〉の順に提示したい場合
(a) C + V + S
ex) More important is the fact that the man was married.
(b) M + V + S
ex) Among those present were the former president and his wife.
(c) so / neither / nor を用いて情報の追加を行う場合
⇒〈so + V + S〉〈neither + V + S〉〈nor + V + S〉になる。
ex) "I like wine." "So does Mary."
ex) "I don't like wine." "Neither do I." / "Nor do I."
(3) 否定の副詞(句・節)/only + 副詞(句・節)を焦点化したい場合
⇒否定の副詞(句・節)や〈only + 副詞(句・節)〉が主節のS + Vよりも前にある場合
(a) 否定の副詞(句・節) + 疑問文倒置
ex) Never did I dream of marrying her.
(b) Only + 副詞(句・節) + 疑問文倒置
ex) Only recently did we begin to feel the importance of education.
[001] [Hanako had left]→[had Hanako left]
[002] [I had]→[had I]
[003] [John does so]→[so does John]
[001] no soonerが前にあるので,その後は倒置されます。よって,Hanako had leftをhad Hanako leftに直します。
[002] Hardly は「ほとんど~ない」という意味の否定の副詞で,これが主節のS + Vよりも前にあるため,主節の I had は倒置しなければなりません。よって,I hadをhad Iに直します。
[003] John does soだとただ単に「ジョンはそのようにする(=反対している)」という意味になります。これでは「ヘンリーは…に反対している。ジョンは反対している」となってしまうため,「ジョンも反対している」としなければなりません。そこで〈so + V + S〉の倒置にして,so does Johnとします。