You can make it!! 時事英語【#040 contraception / sterilize】
◆5か月ぶりの "You can make it!! 時事英語" です。この回で紹介した単語は,contraception と sterilize です。
・contra(逆・反対)+ ception(受け取ること)
・cf.) conceive 「思いつく」「妊娠する(=become pregnant)」⇒「受胎」のイメージ:con(一緒に)+ ceive(とり入れる)
・cf.) contraceptive 「避妊(用)の」「避妊薬」「避妊具」
[040-1] A new way of giving contraceptive injections ― in a special device without a traditional syringe ― could help more women in developing countries plan their lives and their families.
□□ injection 注射
□□ device 道具,装置
□□ traditional 伝統的な,従来の
□□ syringe 注射器
□□ help + O + do Oが…する手助けをする
□□ developing country 開発途上国
[040-2] "Teen pregnancy drops in one of two ways ― either teens are having less sex overall or the teens who are sexually active are using contraceptives and using them better."
□□ pregnancy 妊娠
□□ drop 減少する
□□ either A or B AあるいはB
□□ overall 全般的に
□□ sexually 性的に
□□ active 活発な
・sterile(不妊の)+ ize(~にする)
・名詞形は sterilization
[040-3] At least 11 women have died and 62 were hospitalized after undergoing sterilization surgery at a government-run mobile health clinic in India, authorities said.
□□ at least 少なくとも
□□ be hospitalized 入院する
□□ undergo Oを受ける,Oを経験する
□□ surgery 外科手術
□□ government-run 政府が経営する
□□ mobile 移動式の
□□ health clinic 診療所
□□ authorities 当局
[040-4] Conditions in Indian sterilization clinics are under renewed scrutiny after a doctor was removed from his job for using a bicycle pump to inflate women's abdomens during the procedure.
[出典]http://edition.cnn.com/2014/12/04/world/asia/india -sterilizationbicycle-pump/index.html
□□ condition 状況,条件
□□ renewed 新たな,再度の
□□ under scrutiny 精査中
□□ remove Oを解任する,Oを取り除く
□□ pump ポンプ
□□ inflate Oを膨らませる
□□ abdomen 胴体
□□ procedure 処置,手続き