
正誤判別問題攻略法【Mission 25】

▼早速,今日の Mission に挑戦しましょう!


▼次の英文の[ ]内から誤りのある箇所を1ヶ所指摘しなさい。
[001] The journey [down] the river usually [takes] three hours, [sometime] [even] longer.(学習院大学)

[002] Tom has been working [at] the local plant [for] half a year now, but he is not [yet] financially independent [on] his parents.(学習院大学)

[003] [Among] us, [the] Japanese were said to be a [much] patriotic [people].(鎌倉女子大学)





[1] sometimeとsometimes



[2] dependentとindependent

□dependent on~:~に依存して
□independent of/from~:~に頼らない・~に依存しない・~とかかわりがない・~から独立した


[3] veryとmuch

(a) 形容詞・副詞の原級
 ex) She is very pretty.
 ex) He runs very fast.
(b) 形容詞の最上級・first・nextなどの限定的な語
 ex) This is the very best wine.
(c) the very + 名詞
 ex) He is the very person I've been looking for.

(a) 形容詞・副詞の比較級
 ex) I feel much better today.
(b) 形容詞の最上級
 ex) The picture is much the best.
(c) 動詞
 ex) I don't like the picture very much.
(d) 句
 ex) Much to her regret, she told him the secret.
(e) 不可算名詞
 ex) There was so much noise that I couldn't hear the speech.

[001] [on]→[from]
[002] [sometime]→[sometimes]
[003] [much]→[very]

[001] このsometimeは副詞なので「いつか」という意味になりますが,それでは意味が通じないため,「時として」という意味のsometimesに直します。

[002] independentにつながる前置詞はofかfromなので,onをof(又はfrom)に直します。

[003] muchは原級の形容詞を修飾することは原則としてできません。よって,muchをveryに直します。

