
The best way to learn english

Since becoming a teacher, i learned that i have to do things my way and not the same as everyone else. Thats because if we`re all the same then you as a student won't know who and what method is best for you.

So, what exactly is the best way to learn English? is it one of those `learn English in 15 minutes hacks` or Duolingo? The answer is quite simple. I use HelloTalk to improve my Japanese and to help Japanese users with their English. Often, I'm asked the same few questions, `What is the best way to learn English? ` `can you recommend any YouTubers? ` and `is there a website to listen and read to learn? `

My answer is always the same, check out a mixture of everything, because we all learn in a different way. Some are theoretical whilst others are more practical. For me to learn Japanese it's to speak it often, learn a new phrase and repeat it until it sticks. For your English learning you might pick up English phrases and they stick in an hour-long class, for others it's in one ear and out the other because it wasn't taught very well.

So, the best way to learn English is…………...whatever way suits you best!
Watch some youtubers, don't like them? look for free material online, too difficult to understand? find a local free English class, none in your area? then a private English teacher, can't afford? then try and app. 

Eventually you will someone or something that suits you and your learning style, personally i don't recommend youtubers as often they teach `their` English and not proper or natural English. 

Remember that learning a language is supposed to be fun and practical, so go out there and find what's best for you. If you have any recommendations for fellow learners, comment below and help each other out.
