

7月5日に「よるごはんmeeting」の参加者が主体となって『日本で働く外国籍の方の視点を知る交流会〜外国籍の方と一緒に考える「すべての人にとって働きやすい組織」とは〜』 を開催いたしました。
On July 5th, the participants of the "Yorugohan meeting" held the event titled "Understanding Perspectives of Foreign Workers in Japan - Creating a more Inclusive Workplace for All."

20 audience from various Japanese companies which are interested in foreign employee recruitment and fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment attended this event.

The "Givers," participants of the "Yorugohan meeting" had been preparing diligently for this event through five previous meetings. During these sessions, they engaged in brainstorming, discussions on presentation content, and practiced their presentation.

Preparation Days 1-5

• プレゼンの流れや内容を作成するgroup
• プレゼンのスライドを作成するgroup
• Short playを演じるgroup
• 自己紹介をプロアナウンサーと練習するgroup
The preparation for the presentations involved dividing the participants into several groups:
• Group responsible for structuring the presentation and its content.
• Group in charge of creating presentation slides.
• Group performing a short play to recreate real-life experiences working in Japan.
• Group practicing self-introductions with a professional announcer,
discussing topics like the background of Japanese corporate culture and personal insights from working in Japan.

The participants took the lead in every aspect of preparing the presentation materials, including narrations and delivery, demonstrating impressive teamwork and dedication.

Day 6本番での様子
The Day of the Event

On the presentation day, July 5th, the Givers confidently and with beaming smiles delivered their presentations for the audience.

Giversが実際に、日本で働いていて体験したことを再現したShort playでは、Giversの演技力や「おち」に、参加してくださった企業の方々から笑顔や、笑い声も聞こえていました。
During the short play part, recreated by real experiences of the Givers working in Japan, the audience smiled and laughed, impressed by their acting skills and the humor in the performance.

After that, during the get-together session, the corporate attendees engaged in dialogues with the Givers on the topic of "How to create a more Inclusive Workplace for All."

Many of the Givers were full-time employees, juggling their regular work while participating in this event.
Some were unable to join the preparation sessions until the day of the event.

Considering the limited preparation time and the challenge of presenting in their third or fourth language, Japanese, in front of the audience, the magnitude of their achievement is immeasurable.

The palpable nervousness and the passionate desire to convey their messages moved us almost crying.

Feedback from Corporate Attendees

• 予想を遥かに超えて素晴らしい時間だった。
• 企業の制度や文化について新しい視点から考え直すきっかけになった。
• 本当に、いまだにお茶くみなどをしている会社があるのか?
• 日本の企業文化に驚き、ショックを受けてもなお、日本で働きたいと思う理由はどんなものがあるのか?
Feedback from corporate attendees included:
"This event exceeded our expectations and was a fantastic experience."
"The presentation offered a fresh perspective on our company's systems and culture."
"Do companies still have women making tea? Shocking! But what reasons make foreign workers still want to work in Japan ?"
And many more questions and comments were shared, which the representative, Mr. Ueki, and the Givers answered.

Givers' Reflections after the Event

• 緊張したけどいい経験になった。
• 予想していた期待値を超えて、本当にいい経験と出会いがあってよかった。
• 第3、4言語である日本語で一人一人が一生懸命に発表していて、とてもよく頑張ったと思う。
• Season 1も楽しかったけど、Season 2はより達成感があった!本当にずっと伝えたかったことだから。
The presenting Givers shared their thoughts:
"I was nervous at the beginning, but it turned out to be a valuable experience."
"It exceeded my expectations, and I'm grateful for the wonderful experience and encounters."
"Each person made their best effort in delivering their presentations in their third or fourth language, Japanese. We did an amazing job."
"Season 1 was enjoyable, but Season 2 brought a greater sense of accomplishment! It was something I had always wanted to express."

In comclusion

このSeason 2企業コラボ企画を通して、一人一人が勇気を持って自分のComfort Zoneを飛び出し、プレゼンに挑戦しました。
Through this Season 2 corporate collaboration project, each participant bravely stepped out of their comfort zones and took on the challenge of presenting.

As it was a significant endeavor, the emotions they felt translated into heartfelt words.

この「よるごはんmeeting」での経験を通して、Givers同士のつながりや、それぞれの新たな挑戦、そして発見に繋がり、日本での仕事や生活がより充実したものになれば嬉しく思います。Through the experiences at "Yorugohan meeting," We hope the participants further connect with one another, embark on new challenges, and make meaningful discoveries, leading to more fulfilling professional and personal lives in Japan.

A Representative of YOUMAKEIT, Mr.Umeki said

Mr. Umeki said, ”It is essential to recognize and understand the diverse cultures and values in each country or region. However, we must never forget that there is an individual standing in front of us, and behind that person lies their cultural background. Engaging with and respecting the individual in front of us should be our priority.”

Special thanks to the professional announcer, Mr. Takumi Sato, for warmly supporting the Givers from their self-introductions to presentation practice.

Thank you to all the corporate attendees for your valuable cooperation.

To all the Givers, thank you for your participation. And, indeed, well done!

#よるごはんmeeting #福岡 #fukuok #freeevent #fukuokaevent
