
「アミガサユリ」が春の使者 / ”Fritillaria verticillata” is the messenger of spring.


In my flowerbeds, the first flowers of spring came one after another, as if to warn us of spring, but at last the 'messenger of spring' arrived. It was the ”Fritillaria verticillata”.


「アミガサユリ」という名前から、「網(あみ)かさ百合(ゆり)」だと最初は思ったのですが、そうではないと思い直しました。きっと、「雨傘(あまがさ)百合」と呼ばれていたのが 「アミガサユリ」に変わってしまったのでしょう。だって、白い花は、まるで少しすぼめた雨傘にそっくりだからです。

The white flowers are somehow shaped like a squashed umbrella as they bloom face downwards. This is probably why it was first named in Japanese as a lily like 'amagasa' (umbrella). Then, as it continued to be called, it must have changed only one sound and turned into 'amigasa' lilies.


In the flower bed at the back of the house, the 'kizusai' have continued to flower, and the 'kumquatsugi' have started to grow new buds at once. And the ’hydrangea’, which used to look like a withered stem, is now sprouting new green leaves one by one. I am sure that the purple flowers will bloom in June.
