
巨匠:マルチェロ・ガンディーニ 氏逝く / The great master Marcello Gandini passed away

3月13日、イタリア生まれの 稀代のデザイナー:Marcello Gandini、亡くなった事が報じられています。享年85歳、ご冥福を祈ります。

On March 13th, it was reported that the rare Italian-born designer Marcello Gandini passed away. He passed away at the age of 85. We pray for his soul.

ベルトーネ在籍時、カーデザイナーとしてのデビュー作、ランボルギーニ・ミウラで一気に注目を集め、続いてアルファロメオのショーモデル・カラボでその先進性を世界に知らしめ、代表作となるランボルギーニ・カウンタックで更に名声を高め、ベルトーネを離れた後も、世界中の人々の記憶に刻まれ続ける車をデザインしています。 ランチャ・ストラトス、フェラーリ・ディノ・308GT4、マセラティ・カムシン、BMW 5シリーズ、シトロエンBX、ランボルギーニ・ディアブロ、さらに多くのメーカーの依頼でショーモデルもデザインし続けていました。

During his tenure at Bertone, he quickly attracted attention with his debut work as a car designer, the Lamborghini Miura, followed by the Alfa Romeo show model Carabo, which showed the world how advanced his work was, and his masterpiece, the Lamborghini Countach, which further enhanced his reputation. After leaving Bertone, he continued to design cars that remain etched in the memories of people around the world.
His main works include Lancia Stratos, Ferrari Dino 308 GT4, Maserati Khamsin, BMW 5 Series, Citroen BX, Lamborghini Diablo, and he continued to design show models at the request of many manufacturers.
