頼るのではなく / Not Depend on
The other day, in order to promote the use of traffic parks in Ako City, we have been providing information at government agencies, mails, bicycle shops, etc. At that time, a member of the general public who supported the proposal said, "The government should also be more proactive in recommending it." But I told him, "I don't think so."
『 行政が行なうべきか / Should the Government do it? 』
I often hear residents say that the government should be done properly. However, in the case of this traffic park, it is by no means the case that the residents who learned that the condition of the road surface was deteriorating did not clean the road surface, but collected signatures and asked the government to clean it. In other words, I don't think you can unilaterally say that one side is to blame. If you really want to use the park, I think you should clean up the area you want to use.
『 GRAが生まれたきっかけ / How GRA was born 』
僕が GRAを設立したきっかけも同じです。1980年代、オートバイメーカーのカワサキ(川崎重工業)がオートバイのジムカーナイベントを積極的に開催していて、僕はそれに参加して随分と楽しみました。ただ、経済状況の変化によって、1990年の年末に、一部の地域を除いて、そのイベント開催を中止するという決定を下したのです。
その時、僕は反省をしました。「単に “お客さん” として参加して楽しんでいただけだったのではないか」と考え、次に「本当に楽しみたい事は、誰かに頼らず、自ら運営するべきだ」と決意して、1990年12月に GRAを設立して、翌年1月からイベント開催などの活動を始めましたが、交通公園の利用でも全く同じ事が癒えると考えています。
It's the same reason why I founded GRA. In the 1980s, motorcycle manufacturer Kawasaki (Kawasaki Heavy Industries) actively held motorcycle gymkhana events, and I participated in them and enjoyed them a lot. However, due to changing economic conditions, the decision was made at the end of 1990 to cancel the event, with the exception of a few regions.
At that time, I had some regrets. I thought that I was just participating as a "customer" and having fun, and then I decided that I should manage what I really wanted to enjoy by myself and not rely on someone else, so I established GRA in December 1990 and started holding events and other activities in January of the following year, and I believe that the same can be said for the use of traffic parks.
余談ですが、そんな決意で設立した GRA ですから、その活動目標はイベントを開催する事ではありません。オートバイに関心と愛情を抱く人が、いつまでも、楽しく、安全に楽しむ為に、自ら積極的に考えて努力する人を支援して応援をする事です。
As an aside, GRA was founded with such a decision, and its goal is not to hold events. It is to support and support those who have an interest and love for motorcycles and those who think and work hard to enjoy it forever, happily and safely.