ミャンマーと、アジアの日本 / Myanmar and Japan in Asia
Voice of America 伝、
ミャンマー、1948年、英領植民地から独立して以来、1990年に民主的政党が圧勝しても政権移行に応じず弾圧を強めたが、2011年に民政移管が始まり、2015年に アウンサン・スーチー氏が率いる政党・NDLの政権が誕生。しかし、70年近い間、軍が政権中心だった為、国家の権力や利益の多くが軍幹部に集中する体制が出来上がっていた為、軍の上層部の多くは、自らの権力と利益を守る為に、国民さえテロ活動家として殺す事を厭わなくなっている。
一方、日本はどうすべきだろう。ウクライナ国民がロシア軍によって殺戮されたら、欧米諸国に追従して “難民受け入れ”、殺戮責任者への制裁を付和雷同の如く行なったが、アジアの盟主としての発言を繰り返しながら、ロヒンギャ難民を始めとして、ミャンマーから非難する人々を積極的に支援・受入れせず、責任者への制裁を行なわず、軍幹部を国内へ招待する程。「世界市民」は これらを “人種差別” と “日和見主義” と認識しているだろう。
Note from Voice of America,
Since Myanmar gained its independence from the British colony in 1948, even if the democratic party won a landslide victory in 1990, it did not respond to the transition of power and strengthened oppression. A political party led by Suu Kyi, the NDL, was born. However, for nearly 70 years, the military was the center of government, and a system was created in which much of the state's power and interests were concentrated in the military cadres. Because of this, even the people are willing to kill as terrorist activists.
Under such a military executive, the feelings of the soldiers who are tasked with killing the people by order are unknown. Perhaps, during his long military service, he was trained that if he didn't obey, he would be killed.
On the other hand, what should Japan do? When Ukrainian citizens were slaughtered by the Russian army, they followed Western countries in “accepting refugees” and imposed sanctions on those responsible for the slaughter. To begin with, it does not actively support or accept people who criticize from Myanmar, does not impose sanctions on those responsible, and invites military officials to the country. A "world citizen" he would perceive these as "racism" and "opportunism".