第5回 路面清掃の報告です / Report on the 5th Park Cleanup
赤穂交通公園の 第5回目となる路面清掃の結果を報告します、そして、今回、図らずも実証した事が『 バタフライ効果(エフェクト) 』です。
We are pleased to report on the results of the fifth annual Park Cleaning at Ako Traffic Park, and what we have demonstrated this time is the "Butterfly Effect".

『 作業報告 / Work Report 』
今回の作業エリアは、当初の方針通り、中央交差点に面している箇所です。過去4回の清掃では、路面へと大胆に侵略している芝生の巣窟の除去がミッションでしたが、今回は 路面に厚く溜まった小石や砂、土の除去になりました。オートバイを走らせる身になれば、路面の本格的な清掃は楽しみを広げるのですが、(何度も言いますが)予想を超える長期間の風化と堆積の除去は簡単ではありません。しかも、今回の作業時間が 3時間15分で、コース全面が同様な状態ですから、まだまだ、未来が待っています。
This time, we worked in the area facing the central intersection. In the previous four cleanups, our mission was to remove grass caves that had boldly invaded the road surface, but this time we were to remove pebbles, sand, and dirt that had accumulated thickly on the road surface. While a full-scale cleaning of the road surface is the main mission, removing the weathering and accumulation over an unexpectedly long period of time is no easy task. The entire course is in a similar state, so more time is still needed.
[ 作業前 / Before ]

[ 作業後 / After ]

『 赤穂交通公園 / Ako Traffic Park 』
先日、コース全面を測量して、そのデータを基に、暫定ですが、コース図を作成しました。 横が 80m 縦が 50m と、僕が知っている交通公園の中では最大規模です。が、コース外側の芝生に侵略されて、安心して走行出来るエリアは、79m × 49m 以下です。課題の多い未来です。
The entire surface of the course was surveyed. Based on the data, we made a tentative course map. It is the largest traffic park that I know of, with a width of 80m and a length of 50m. However, the area outside the course has been invaded by grass, and the area that can be driven on is very narrow, so it will take a long time to completely remove the grass.

『 バタフライ効果(エフェクト)/ Butterfly Effect 』
This is a phenomenon proposed by mathematician Edward Norton Lorenz, who used the term when he was convinced by experiments using a weather simulation model that "if a butterfly flaps its wings in one place, a tornado can occur on the other side of the world. There is a similar analogy in Japan, which indicates that even the smallest thing can cause unexpected changes, and this time there was an event that proved it. This time, on April 26, I was interviewed by a newspaper company.

上の画像に写っている人が、神戸新聞社、赤穂支局の 小谷 さんです。
午後1時から 約1時間に亘って、路面清掃を始めた目的とか、清掃完了後の予定とか尋ねられ、写真撮影を受けましたが、(これが僕の性格ですが)取材を受けるだけでは面白くないので、逆に色々と取材をしました。その結果、神戸新聞社の社是が「私たちは、市民の為に、公正に伝え、人をつなぎ、暮らしの充実と地域の発展に尽くす」である事や、小谷さんの出身と経歴などを教えてもらいました。
The person in the picture is Ms. Kotani of the Ako branch of the Kobe Shimbun. For about an hour from 1:00 p.m., I was asked about the purpose of starting the cleanup and my plans after the cleanup was completed, and I was photographed. I also learned about the newspaper's company policy, her background and where he came from, and so on.
The person in the background of the picture is the "Law of Entropy" person whom I introduced in the last issue, who voluntarily prepares tools and cleans the places he chooses. Naturally, no promises or meetings have been made, so I do not know what will happen in the future, but I am looking forward to it because it will lead to the "Butterfly Effect.