おすすめTED動画『リーダーシップ』 3 瀬川 陽介 | Yosuke Segawa 2020年9月9日 06:19 リーダーシップがテーマのお気に入りTEDトークを集めたノートです。それぞれのプレゼンで心に残ったメッセージを【メモ】しています。【メモ】Being a dictator may produce good soldiers, but it doesn't develop champions in life. It is so much easier to dictate and give orders than to actually figure out how to motivate someone to want to be better.Valorie Kondos Field: Why winning... https://t.co/Ox3WxNqKBg— 瀬川 陽介 | Yosuke Segawa (@yosukesegawa) July 16, 2020 【メモ】People don't buy what you do. They buy why you do it and what you do simply proves what you believe. Those who start with "why" have the ability to inspire those around them. Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action https://t.co/TEy86wbD59— 瀬川 陽介 | Yosuke Segawa (@yosukesegawa) July 8, 2020 【メモ】Extroverts crave large amounts of stimulation, whereas introverts feel at the most capable when they're in quieter environments. The key to maximize our talents is to put ourselves in the zone of stimulation.Susan Cain: The power of introverts https://t.co/9apLcK1dsS— 瀬川 陽介 | Yosuke Segawa (@yosukesegawa) July 7, 2020 【メモ】Adaptability is a form of intelligence. Asking "what if" questions, actively unlearning and prioritizing exploration over exploitation can get you prepared for the next time something big changes.Natalie Fratto:3 ways to measure your adaptability https://t.co/4pz961AKsy— 瀬川 陽介 | Yosuke Segawa (@yosukesegawa) July 2, 2020 【メモ】Establish collaborative teams.Instill deep trust and mutual respect.Embrace multiple perspectives.This means all voices matter. Address disagreements head-on. People should feel seen and heard.Matt Goldman: The search for "aha!" moments https://t.co/rVRj3jmiRk— 瀬川 陽介 | Yosuke Segawa (@yosukesegawa) June 16, 2020 【メモ】If you really care about starting a movement, have the courage to follow and show others how to follow. When you find a lone nut doing something great, have the guts to be the first one to stand up and join in. https://t.co/FWP4Hcdpw0— 瀬川 陽介 | Yosuke Segawa (@yosukesegawa) October 31, 2019 【メモ】Leadership1. Where are you looking to anticipate the next change?2. What is the diversity measure of your stakeholder network?3. Are you courageous enough to abandon a practice in the past?Roselinde Torres: What it takes to be a great leader https://t.co/e5ah4h6E4E— 瀬川 陽介 | Yosuke Segawa (@yosukesegawa) June 10, 2020 【メモ】How quickly can you find the unique talents, skills and hopes of your neighbor, and how quickly, in turn, can you convey what you bring? This is the mindset you need for effective teaming.Amy Edmondson:How to turn a group of strangers into a team https://t.co/V9Ycsg3oeB— 瀬川 陽介 | Yosuke Segawa (@yosukesegawa) July 22, 2020 【メモ】What do people want most from their leaders? The answer was respect. Those that felt respected were healthier, more focused, more likely to stay with their organization and far more engaged.Christine Porath: Why being respectful to your coworkers https://t.co/KXrtcDoTLF— 瀬川 陽介 | Yosuke Segawa (@yosukesegawa) July 29, 2020 【メモ】As long as we make leadership something bigger than us, keep leadership beyond us and make it about changing the world, we give ourselves an excuse not to expect it every day, from ourselves and from each other.Drew Dudley: Everyday leadership https://t.co/J5Ificvu5O— 瀬川 陽介 | Yosuke Segawa (@yosukesegawa) August 7, 2020 【メモ】A lot of organizations set objectives and meet them, but lack a sense of purpose to inspire the teams. First, you must answer the question, "Why?" to set these goals the right way.John Doerr: Why the secret to success is setting the right goals https://t.co/tczhpTBH8x— 瀬川 陽介 | Yosuke Segawa (@yosukesegawa) June 28, 2020 ダウンロード copy いいなと思ったら応援しよう! チップで応援する #英語 #組織 #リーダーシップ #リーダー #プレゼン #チームビルディング #TED #TEDトーク 3