
[AC6 1-Yeaer Anniversary] Armored Core 6 Streamers Cup

8/25: Added the tournamnet format & player info. 


A JP streamer Azuma is hosting an Armored Core (AC) 6 1-year anniversary event Streamers Cup on JST 8/25/2024 9PM Sunday (EDT 8/25/2024 8AM). A total of 20 JP AC6 streamers will play single match based 5v5 team tournament in the event. 432 (Yuki Yomiji), Goma, Kawai Yuyu and MiraraK are the leaders of 4 teams, and they drafted their team members prior to the event announcement. All teams are a good mix of highly skilled players and PvP beginners, and training less skilled members is critical to win the tournament. Every team streams their coaching sessions, occasionally inviting skilled players outside the tournament. You can see the human-side of top players on those streams, and the event is a great opportunity to learn about AC6 players’ personality as well as their player skills. JP players are super hyped for the event, and I see the community is getting together more than ever throughout many collaborations and coorporations. I’m hoping this event can inspire and energize the global AC community as well.

The announcement stream:

Link to the main event:


The tournament is a Round-Robin format 1v1s team match, and the top 2 teams play the Final for the championship. Each team has 5 players assigned for different roles: Senpou, Jihou, Chuken, Fukushou, and Taishou. These roles are from Japanese martial arts such as Kendo and usually determined by player’s skill level. Taishou is the leader of the team and has the highest skill level. In the tournament, each member plays against the opponent who has the same role. It’s a Best of 5 (BO5) match, and all players get to play once in a match even when one team wins 3 games before the 5th game. The points (numbers of wins) matter when multiple
Skill level: (Taishou) > (Fukushou) > (Chuken) > (Jihou) > (Senpou)
Game 1: Senpou from Team A vs. Senpou from Team B
Game 2: Jihou from Team A vs. Jihou from Team B
Game 3: Chuken from Team A vs. Chuken from Team B
Game 4: Fukushou from Team A vs. Fukushou from Team B
Game 5: Taishou from Team A vs. Taishou from Team B
For this event, the roles have been determined when the leaders drafted their team members. However, each team is allowed to switch Chuken and Fukushou based on their strategy.
Each player must pick a single build for the entire tournament. Changing their build is not allowed during the tournament.


432's team

Team Name: Yuminchu V (Five)
*"Yominchu" means 432 (Yomiji)'s people.

  • Sendpou: Taizai Akuma Guilty Chan (BIG GUILTY AKUMA)

  • Jihou: Konya no Tuki (TukiChan)

  • Chuken: Tsukushi Nobata (N.Tukushi)

  • Fukushou: neun (neun) 

  • Taishou: Yuki Yomiji (432)

Goma's team

Team Name: GUMIS

  • Sendpou: Tama Suzumura (tama_suzumura) 

  • Jihou: Umiko (Umiko)

  • Chuken: Ichikaze (Ichikaze)

  • Fukushou: Maeda (maeda) 

  • Taishou: Goma (GOMA)

Kawai Yuyu's team

Team Name: The Statue of Barbarian

  • Sendpou: Hazumako (haduki)

  • Jihou: Asuka (asukaaaaaaaaa)

  • Chuken: Hasuhanata (hasuha)

  • Fukushou: Motikun (MoTikun)

  • Taishou: Kawai Yuyu (Kawai Yuyu Chan)

MiraraK's team

Team Name: Anaguma MiraLuckys

  • Sendpou: Shugoihara Helico (HelicoShu51hara)

  • Jihou: Miicha (miicha)

  • Chuken: Hinco (Hinco)

  • Fukushou: Kirigamine (kirigamine)

  • Taishou: MiraraK (mirror)


432's team: Yominchu V (Five)

Taizai Akuma Guilty Chan (Senpou)

She is a streamer from a VTuber agency First State Production. She was an AC6 beginner when the event was announced. Team leader 432 drafted her because of her generic gaming skill and surprisingly high stamina. She often streams insanely long hours for gaming, and she can be extremely competitive if that energy is directed toward AC6. Her main build is light-weight melee build, and she surprised the audience by drastically changing her build targeting other Senpou players. She may bring another new build to the tournament, and it’s possible because she is a very fast learner.


Konyano Tuki (Jihou)

She is a gaming VTuber and currently focusing on AC6 since she fell in love with it. She was previously coached by Hasuhanata who serves Chuken in Kawai Yuyu’s team. Her main build was Reversed joint zimmshied (Zimmfrog). In the previous season of Single Ranked, she achieved S rank coached by Fuyukinko who’s the king of Zimmfrog. In this tournament, she seems to be switching her build to a PB20 (Power Baka 20) variant. Her play style is very aggressive Zimmerman rush-down in contrast to her cute voice. She is a very hardworking person, and she puts her 100% on the challenge she faces. 432 explained her as a “motivation monster”.


Tsukushi Nobata (Chuken)

He is a gaming VTuber and currently focusing on AC6. He originally started with light-weight bipedal builds and switched to 432 Zimmshield & LRB-Shield for the recent seasons in Single Ranked. Now he’s putting his full effort on practicing 432 Zimmshield directly trained by his team leader 432. Due to the difficulty of the build, he has been struggling for a long time. However, he seems to be overcoming the difficulty in his recent practice streams. Now we see 432 in his movements occasionally. Although he’s facing tough matchups as Chuken, he has great potential to win as he’s in a fast-growing phase of his skill development.


noen (Fukushou)

He streams Single Ranked on YouTube occasionally. He is an All-Rounder and can use most of the Meta builds. Although he hasn’t participated in the competitive scene previously, he has been playing competitively with 432 frequently from the very beginning. He used to be called a “generic 432” because of his skill set. He plays a critical role in his team practice and coaching as well as being a competitive player as Fukushou. Other Fukushou players are going to have a hard time preparing against him because it’s unpredictable what build he is going to bring to the tournament.


432 / Yuki Yomiji (Taishou)

No.1 AC6 streamer & the most respected PvP player in the AC6 community. He has won the most AC6 1v1 tournaments. He also supports PvP beginners and intermediate players through his streams by giving detailed advice. He is a pioneer and a master of the mid-weight Zimmshield (aka 432 Zimmshield). As a team leader, he spends many hours coaching his team members while he refines his skills for the toughest matchups against other Taishou players. As the meta exploration has matured, he feels the limit of his build against some other meta builds such as Toku Robo. In this tournament, he will push the limit of Zimmshield to seize victory for his team.


GOMA's team: GUMIS

Tama Suzumura (Senpou)

She is a VTuber and usually streams chatting and gaming. Her main build is Reversed Joint Pulse Blade which is a variant of Itofuyu Robo. She has been coached by Itofuyu, the most famous Pulse Blader in the JP AC6 community. Melee builds in general have very peaky performance and require special skills to make it competitive. She struggles with the build, and occasionally she is tempted to use a more robust build PB20 (Power Baka 20). Let’s see which build she brings to the tournament, Melee for her passion or PB20 for stable performance.


Umiko (Jihou)

She is a VTuber who likes mecha action games, and she seems to have the largest number of followers among all participants of the tournament. Her main build is Therapist Kite, and she achieved S rank in Single Ranked for the previous season. She has an analytical mindset which is important for Kite pilots, and she has been the best performing Jihou player so far. She has a unique tone of voice, and there’s a rumor that many AC6 players are getting addicted to her voice.


Ichikaze (Chuken)

He started AC6 when one of his listeners gifted him the game. His favorite build is a Zimmfrog variant, and he used that build until he struggled at S rank in Singel Ranked. After he switched his build to PB20, he managed to win Dominant title. For the tournament, he decided to switch to JP-Lamm for strategical reason after discussing with GOMA. Now he’s in the GOMA bootcamp and going through harsh training under GOMA’s pressure. Some audiences are concerned about his mental health. If he survives, perhaps he could become a GOMA copy. Very scary.


Maeda (Fukushou)

He is the developer of Power Baka 20 (PBT or BT20). Although he can use multiple meta builds, he will likely bring his main build, a variant of PB20 replacing one missile to SPLIT MISSLE (PB18?) to the tournament. He is good at logicalizing and explaining player skills which make him a great coach. The team leader GOMA drafted him for this reason because GOMA himself is too specialized for JP-Lamm. He is playing a critical role in providing feedback to his team members to improve their player skills as well as being a competitive player. The victory of his team heavily depends on his contribution.

X: https://x.com/ombre3
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/maeda_ac

GOMA (Taishou)

The Irregular & the champion of the champion’s build JP-Lamm. He won the Irregular title in Single Ranked for all 3 seasons on Steam. He also created a JP Lamm community called Lamm Temple (Kei-Yon Dera). His strategic decision making, evading skill and deadly HMMR control have reached state of the art. He had been a bit mysterious person since he rarely spoke in his streams until the event was announced. Now he is a leader of his team and responsible for coaching his team members. On their team practice streams, you can see his goofy personality and his struggle with managing his team.

(WTF! GOMA has an avatar now!?)
X: https://x.com/GOMA_Lanc
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/goma_lanc

Kawai Yuyu's team: The Statue of Barbarian

Hadumako (Senpou)

She a VTuber and she was a PvP beginner when the event was announced. She surprised the audience when she debuted in the 1st SCRIM. She piloted Toku Robo which is not easy build for beginners, and well surpassed the expectations for the Senpou match. She is an extremely quick learner and has potential to become a top player in the future. While she practices hard, she doesn’t forget to enjoy playing AC6 which is a great attitude as a gamer.


Asuka (Jihou)

She is a VTuber who streams gaming & sometimes singing. She achieved S rank in Single Ranked in the previous season, and now she’s fully committed to the tournament. Her original main build was light weight Etsujin-HMMR, but recently switched to mid-weight Etsujin-HMMR aka LIBRA Robo. She is coached by a Dominant holder Kin-san (Kanizawa) and improving her player skill very quickly. LIBRA who is also one of Kin-san’s students is helping her too. She is extremely motivated to bring victory to the team and to reward her coaches.


Hasuhanata (Chuken)

He is a Dominant holder who pilots LRB-Shield and Toku Robo. His current main build is Toku Robo, and his playstyle is very aggressive for the build. Now he’s getting close to the Aberrant range in Single Ranked. He is also known as an organizer of the beloved mid-tier tournament Yojin Cup. He used to coach his team leader Kawai Yuyu for LRB-Shield when Kawai Yuyu started to practice the build. Even after Kawai Yuyu became a top player, they highly respect each other. Now he is desperate to improve his skills and pushing his limit to seize victory for Kawai Yuyu and his team.


MotiKun (Fukushou)

No.1 Tank player & the president of JP Tank community called Tank Village. Despite the recent Tank nerf, he is still extremely competitive even for tough matchups. He is fully committed to Tank, and that pushed him to his current position. His main build is the 3-Missile Tank aka Moti Tank named after him. He has special skills to orchestrate his weapons Nebula, Hand-Missile (P19MLT-04) and Needle Missile (TRUENO) to make them difficult to evade. He has a funny & goofy personality, and he cheers up his team members when they practice together. There’s a rumor that he might be sexually harassing some female pilots during their team practice, but apparently, he’s not crossing the redline thanks to his player skill.


Kawai Yuyu (Taishou)

The best LRB-Shield player in the AC6 community & the ace pilot of JP LRB community called LRB Village. He won 3rd and 2nd position in Single Ranked for seasons 2 and 3 respectively. He has perfected his piloting skill for LRB-Shield throughout countless number of trials and analysis. His shield accuracy, missile evading skills, and strategic distance control are state of the art. Speaking of his personality, many of his comments in his own streams are not appropriate to be broadcast, although I believe he is not going to reveal that part during the event. Despite his pervertness, he is extremely educational and caring which make him a perfect fit for a team leader.


MiraraK's team: Anaguma MiraLuckys

Helico Shugoihara (Senpou)

She is a gaming VTuber, and she recently played some older gens in addition to AC6. Since she was new to PvP, her build was given by Toku who is a top player outsite the tournament. She pilots a heavy bipedal Etsujin-Earshot which is well thought-out for her matchups against other Senpou players. From the recent practice matches, she is fully leveraging the potential of the build. She seems to have a natural talent in Earshot timing control, and the weapon well fits her dynamic personality. There’s a rumor that she is making Motikun look like a sexual harasser by leading him to somewhat sexual comments.


Miicha (Jihou)

Rasty’s girlfriend, that’s what she is known for. She loves Rusty and her build is full of decals that says, “Rusty’s girlfriend”. Her build is called “Special Grade Cursed Object” referred from a Japanese comic “Jujutsu Kaisen” because of its appearance. Her main build is light-weight Kite, now she’s practicing Kiri Kite directly coached by Kirigamine. She is strongly inspired by other Jihou players’ effort and committed to the tournament. Her cursed love for Rusty could make her unbeatable.


Hinco (Chuken)

He is a veteran AC pilot who has been playing the series for 27 years. He is also a system developer and even coordinator. He contributes to organizing AC6 tournaments for technical side. His main build is JP-Lamm. He has been piloting Tetrapod legs build since the 1st AC 27 years ago. He says his performance is not stable due to his age, but he is demonstrating consistent performance in Scrims. He also plays an important role in team practice for JP-Lamm matchup.


Kirigamine (Fukushou)

The best Bipedal Kite player in the AC6 community. His main build is Light-weight Bipedal Kite with rifles aka Kiri Kite named after him. His build is well optimized for the balance between moving speed and defense. His philosophy is that piloting Kite is about making proper decisions rather than relying on response speed, and he will demonstrate it in the tournament. He is in a leading position as Fukushou in his team and contributing to their coaching especially for their Jihou player Miicha who also pilots Bipedal Kite. His message to Kite users: “Keep piloting Kite. It will reward you.”


MiraraK (Taishou)

A VTuber who streams Shogi (Japanese Chess). He is also one of the top AC6 PvP players. He has a very strategic mindset and various knowledge of many different builds. His main build is Toku Robo, and he has been exploring some variants with a mid-weight core. He’s good at controlling the game from macroscopic strategy. He says close-range fighting is not his strength, but his shield accuracy and response speed are top level. Although he always behaves cool and calm, now he is revealing his cinder burning in his mind to fight against 431, GOMA and Kawai Yuyu on the big stage.


SCRIM (Practice Match)

432's stream

GOMA's stream

Kawai Yuyu's stream

MiraraK's stream
