
Chapter 1 - Digital Marketing Foundation[Stukent]

Introduction / Background

Hello guys, I am Yoshinosuke. I am learning Digital Marketing using Stukent which has the material having variety of learning contents. I got this source at college that I studied at. Also they have certificates that they publish. So, to get the Digital Marketing Certificate published by Stukent, I study cover all basis on it. I hope this post will be helpful for you guys who want to learn marketing like me!

Let's move forward!
Today, I would post the chapter 1 - Digital Marketing Foundation


In this topic, We'll learn basic words and structures of Digital Marketing! These notions will frequently be shown up after chapter as well, so I'd recommend that you memorize these words.

Technical Terms

When the website or homepage shows up on your browser, these following steps happens:

  1. You types in the URL

  2. The URL is converted to an IP Address

  3. The information request for the homepage is sent to the IP address, where the information request is received its server

  4. Along with this information request, your browser also send any data from its cookie stored on your computer

  5. If the website is simple website(such as HTML), its server would respond to the homepage request by sending HTML code back to your computer

  6. If the website in not simple website(Java, C++, Perl, PHP, and so on), instead of sending back a static homepage, the server will retrieve information about your past behavior on the site from a database. After that, server convert it to HTML to make it simple. 

  7. Your browser will possesses the HTML, and homepage is shown up on your screen

  • URL - Uniform Resource Locator

  • IP Address - Internet Protocol Address

  • Server - a computer connected to the internet that fulfills information requests to the website

  • Browser - Software - Example: Chrome, Bing, Yahoo, Edge

  • Cookie - Get preference or historical information

Successful Websites

Important factors to be successful Websites

1. Generating Traffic

  • Direct Traffic - an internet user types the website's URL directly

  • Referral Traffic - An internet user click on a link to the site from another site

  • Search Traffic - an internet user click on a link to the site from a search engine result page

  • Email Traffic - traffic from email

2. Driving Conversions

Each style of webpages has different conversion goal 
For Example: Retail
Primary conversion goal: Purchase
Second primary conversion goal: Create account, Sign up for emails, pay for premium account

3. Maximizing Revenue

Optimizing the webpage to monetize is the one of the goal.

That's it! It's so easy, isn't it? Next chapter will be Web Design!
