解釈につよくなるための英文50 サブノート・機械翻訳
1.Just as the destruction by fire of his papers was complete, Newton opened the chamber door, and perceived that the labours of twenty years were reduced to a heap of ashes. There stood little Diamond, the author of all the mischief. Almost any other man would have sentenced the dog to immediate death. But Newton patted the dog on the head with his usual kindness, although grief was at his heart. “O Diamond, Diamond," exclaimed he, “thou little knowest the mischief thou hast done!"
1.論文の焼失が完了した頃、ニュートンが部屋のドアを開けると、20年の労苦が灰の山になっていた。そこには、すべての災いの元凶である小さなダイヤモンドが立っていた。他の誰もが、この犬に即刻死刑を宣告したことだろう。しかし、ニュートンは悲しみに暮れながらも、いつもの優しさで犬の頭を撫でてやった。"O Diamond, Diamond," "Thou little know the mischief you hast have done!" と叫んだのです。