
✨15年前の想いの包みを開ける儀式🎁 “Dear Goddess” and “Trakya Oyun Havasi”

20年ほど世界の色んな踊りを学んできた中で、原点とも言える15年前の2009年に書いた詩を久しぶりに見つけました。Dear Goddessはある女神へのもの、Trakya Oyun Havasiはトルコのヨーロッパ側のトラキア地方(トラキアという黒海、マルマラ海、エーゲ海の地方のことで現在はギリシャ、ブルガリア、トルコに3分割されてるみたいですね)の踊りを巡って。その9/8のリズムが好きすぎて、何かの記憶が呼び覚まされるがごとくずっと踊っていた日々を思い出します。先日久しぶりに当時踊っていた虹色のベールが出てきて、その想いを解凍したところでした。それはあの時おいてきた大切な想いの包みを開封するような儀式的瞬間でありました💝🌈そして、新しい何かがはじまる予感✨

🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹

Dear Goddess あの麗しの女神へ
I’ve been wanted to dance.
I’ve been wanted to express myself, my feelings, my visions, and my desires by dance
But I didn’t know how

You told me how
You told me by leading me to the beautiful world where everything is shining
There, I could breeze deeply and be free
My sprit was happy, my soul was uplifted, my heart was smiling
Now I can connect to the nature; earth, water, air, fire and myself
Now I can connect to the people, the people I don’t even know because I’m not seeing them. I’m feeling their energy and existence
I am fulfilled and happy
Happy to be myself
Happy to life
My eyes are wide open so does my heart
I am willing to receive the energy with open heart with complete peacefulness

You told me how
You told me how to be loving and be myself
You told me how to be confident with myself through your illuminating self
You lead me to a new life through your graceful world which I’m just loving to be in

🌿🌿 🌿🌿 🌿🌿 🌿🌿 🌿🌿 🌿🌿 🌿🌿 🌿🌿 🌿🌿

“Trakya Oyun Havasi” トラキアの踊りを巡って

I fell in love
Fell in love with the song, fell in love with the veil . . . that’s when all has begun
I was so attracted by the dance of Trakya, their every step and movement that represents their freedom and strength
My mind and heart were travelling to Turkey where I’ve never been physically
I was drown to the music and drowned to dance even in my dreams
As I listen to it more, the sound blended throughout my every cells
I danced everywhere at the riverside with bright sunshine, at temple with orange sunset, at the beach under the moon light
I put my heart and soul, my everything into the dance
Like my soul devotion to my beloved
It was almost like I fell in love
I could transform into new me through the music and dance
This is the end and this is the new start
Welcoming the new start with my fulfilled heart
