








# 最適制御 Optimal control

# 状態空間モデル State space model 
A := Matrix([[0, 1], [-1, -0.2]])
B := Matrix([[0], [1]]);

# 重み行列 Weighting matrix
Q := Matrix([[10, 0], [0, 1]]);
r := Matrix([1]);

# リカッチ代数方程式の解P Solution of Riccati's algebraic equation P
P := CARE(A, B, Q, r);

# 最適制御の状態フィードバックゲインK Optimal control state feedback gain K
K := ((MatrixInverse(r)) . (Transpose(B))) . P;



図1 インパルス入力を与えた時の状態の応答
図2 状態フィードバック入力のインパルス応答



図3 インパルス入力を与えた時の状態の応答(rを変更)
図4 状態フィードバック入力のインパルス応答(rを変更)



図5 インパルス入力を与えた時の状態の応答(Qを変更)
図6 状態フィードバック入力のインパルス応答(Qを変更)



In the previous article, I showed how the response of a system can be adjusted by placing eigenvalues. And in another previous article, I also showed how the response can be changed by modifying the eigenvalues. In this article, I will show you how to find the state feedback gain K such that the eigenvalues are the optimal ones for the evaluation function. Instead of setting the eigenvalues directly, K that optimizes the evaluation function is obtained by solving the Riccati equation. The result is a system with eigenvalues that make the set evaluation function optimal.
Although evaluation functions can be created for any purpose, general evaluation functions use a quadratic form of state and input. This article also uses the most basic evaluation function of this form. Q is a square matrix of the order of the state x, and R is a square matrix of the order of the input u. If x is quadratic, Q is a square matrix of the second order, and if u is first order, in essence, a scalar. We will show how changing Q and R affects the results later in this section.

Evaluation function

Target system

The system for which optimal control is attempted in this article is shown below; it is a one-input, second-order system. Since the output is irrelevant for optimal control, the C and D matrices are not set in this article.

State Space Representation of the System


Calls the “DynamicSystems” library to use the “CARE” command to solve Riccati equations. It also calls the “LinearAlgebra” library to perform various matrix operations.
Define the state-space representation of the previous system and set the weights Q and r. Now solve the Riccati equation with the “CARE” command. Simply use the solution P of the Riccati equation to find the feedback matrix K. We can now find the feedback gain K that minimizes the evaluation function.

# Optimal control

# State space model 
A := Matrix([[0, 1], [-1, -0.2]])
B := Matrix([[0], [1]]);

# Weighting matrix
Q := Matrix([[10, 0], [0, 1]]);
r := Matrix([1]);

# Solution of Riccati's algebraic equation P
P := CARE(A, B, Q, r);

# Optimal control state feedback gain K
K := ((MatrixInverse(r)) . (Transpose(B))) . P;

System Response

The system response corresponding to the set Q and r weights, Figure 1 shows the response of the state when given an impulse response, and Figure 2 shows the response of the state feedback input. With just this, we can only agree that it is optimal, so let's see how the response changes when the weights are changed.

Figure 1. State response when impulse input is given
Figure 2. Impulse response of state feedback input

Try changing the weight r

Let's increase the input weight r from “1” to “2”. You can see that the input in Figure 4 has become a little smaller (more restricted than before). On the other hand, you can see that the response of x1 in Figure 3 has become larger. This is because the input that suppresses the impulse disturbance has become smaller, so the suppression of x1 has decreased.
It can be seen that increasing the input weight r causes the input to be relatively more restricted. On the other hand, the inhibiting power of the state decreases. It is best to adjust the weight r, the hyperparameter, by watching the response of the input and the state.

Figure 3. State response when impulse input is given (when r is changed)
Figure 4. Impulse response of state feedback input (when r is changed)

Try changing the weight Q

Next, let's change the state weights Q. Let's decrease the number of rows and columns in the weight matrix Q from 10 to 5. Figure 5 shows that the response of x1 has become larger than in Figure 3 before the change. When we reduce the weights, the corresponding state change becomes larger. Figure 6 shows that the input has become relatively smaller.
In this example, changing the numerical values of one row and one column of the weight matrix Q corresponding to x1 had no visible significant effect on the response of x2, but it can be affected by the difference in relative size of the weight portion corresponding to x1 and the weight matrix portion corresponding to x2. In the case of this system, it is essential to set the weights appropriately while watching the impact of the input, x1, and x2 responses.

Figure 5. State response when impulse input is given (when Q is changed)
Figure 6. Impulse response of state feedback input (when Q is changed)

Optimal control is a method of finding the state feedback matrix K that optimizes the evaluation function, but it can be read as a method of adjusting by two parameters: input weights and state weights. In essence, it can be said that the hyperparameters of the weight matrices Q and r allow for setting the characteristics of the system.


Created by Maple 2024.1
