


図1 1つのリンクを1つのシリンダで上下させる機構



図2 作成する2リンク機構



図3 改造後のモデル



今回のモデルではバルブのスプールの時系列入力を補間テーブル(Lookup Table 1D)と時間ブロックで作成します。図4の2つの赤枠部分が時間ブロックと補間テーブルブロックです。補間テーブルの設定値は図5に示します。

図4 スプールの時系列入力


図5 スプールの時系列設定



図6 リンク動作


図7 時系列波形データ


In article #5, we modeled a system that uses hydraulic pressure to operate the mechanism shown in Figure 1, in which one link is moved up and down by one cylinder. In this article, we will increase the number of links to make it a two-link mechanism and move it hydraulically.

Figure 1. Mechanism in which one link is raised or lowered by one cylinder

2-Link Mechanism to be Created

Figure 2 shows the two-link mechanism to be created in this article. A second link is attached to the end of the first link, and a weight is attached to the end of the second link, which is intended to be an attachment such as a robot hand. The cylinder that moves the second link connects the top of the first link to the opposite end of the tip of the second link, as shown in Figure 2. When the cylinder is extended, the second link moves closer to the front, and when the cylinder is retracted, the second link moves farther away.

Figure 2. Two-link mechanism to be created

Model Modifications

Figure 3 shows the model after modification. For more details, you can actually see the model itself pasted at the end of this article, but here is a brief description of what modifications were made. The left side of Figure 3 is almost the same as the hydraulic model of the one-link mechanism created in article #5. Copy and paste the black-bordered part to the right side. The blue-bordered part on the left side is for attaching the root side of the cylinder that moves the second link. Set the positional relationship from the center of gravity of the first link, and connect the wires to the rotating mechanism block at the root of the cylinder of the second link. The red-bordered part within the black-bordered part on the right side is the weight for the tip of the second link. Additionally, go back to the black-bordered part on the left side again and look at the red arrow. This is the part that was returned to the tank in article #5, but this time it is tied to the input of the valve that controls the cylinder that moves the second link. In this way, the oil not used by the valve that moves the first link can be used by the valve that moves the second link. This kind of circuit is called a tandem circuit. The red-bordered part under the black-bordered part on the right is the chamber. The chamber is located between the valve that moves the first link and the valve that moves the second link.

Figure 3. Model after modification

Note that the mass of the center of gravity of the first and second links, the position of the links and cylinders, the setting of the chamber because it is between the valve that moves the first link and the valve that moves the second link, and the detailed setting of the opening area to the spool of each valve are shown in the model pasted at the end of this article.

Time Series Input Settings for Spools

In this model, the time series input for the valve spool is created with an interpolation table (Lookup Table 1D) and a time block. The two red framed areas in Figure 4 are the time block and the interpolation table block. The settings for the interpolation table are shown in Figure 5.

Figure 4. Spool time series input

Column A in Figure 5 is the time [s]. columns B and C list the time from 0[s] to 22[s] and the value at that time. column B is the time series value of the valve that moves the first link and column C is for the second link. There is a setting in the interpolation table block settings that allows you to select what column to use, so you can set up time series data in the same csv file and use them differently depending on the settings. Let's look at the time series data we have set up. First the cylinder of the first link is extended, then the cylinder of the second link is extended. Then the cylinder of the second link is retracted, and finally the cylinder of the first link is retracted.

Figure 5. Spool time series setting


Now let's look at the simulation results. The animation of the link operation is shown in Figure 6. It seems that the initial settings are not very good, and the first link starts to rise after the first rattling. After that, the motion appears to be as expected.

Figure 6. Link animation

Let's also look at the time series waveforms (Figure 7): the first row is the spool time series data; the second row is the pump pressure; the third row is the pressure data for the two cylinder bottoms and heads. You can see the oil pressure oscillating at the first link where the first link is rattling. There are other areas of concern as well. You can see that the cylinder 2 head pressure is quite high until about 5.5[s], when cylinder 2 starts to move. When the valve that moves cylinder 2 opens, the pressure sealed in the head side is released at once. It seems that the head side of cylinder 2 was compressed when the first link rattled at first. Since cylinder 2 is at the end of its stroke on the side where it contracts, it has no effect on the movement of the linkage, but if the pressure had actually reached such a high level, the cylinder hose would have been punctured. Therefore, a safety valve (relief valve) is often installed at the cylinder port to prevent a puncture in the event of such a situation. There are many other functions (devices) in the hydraulic system that are lacking from the viewpoint of a hydraulic professional. However, if you are studying, it would be a good learning experience to examine the issues of this hydraulic system through simulation, so please give it a try. Please try it.

Figure 7. Time-series waveform data

【Sample Model】

Created by MapleSim 2023
