今回の例ではむだ時間L=1[s]のむだ時間の伝達関数exp(-1s)をパデ近似しています。「pade」関数の第1引数はパデ近似したい伝達関数を指定するので、この例では「exp(-1s)」としています。ちなみにむだ時間が1[s]ということを明示するために「1」と書いていますが、当たり前ですが「1」は省略しても何ら問題はありません。第2引数の「s」は、これが変数ということを指定しています。第3引数の[2, 2]は1つ目がパデ近似後の伝達関数の分子の次数で、2つ目が分母の次数です。むだ時間をパデ近似する際は、だいたい分母と分子は同じ次数にしています。
The Padé approximation allows the transfer function of the dead time L[s] in the following equation to be approximated by a rational transfer function. The advantage of using a rational transfer function is that it makes handling easier and simplifies calculations with various tools.
Second and third-order Padé approximations of the transfer function for dead time are shown below. I am sure that you can decide the order according to your purpose, but in my experience, 2nd or 3rd order is often sufficient.
Let's Padé-approximate the transfer function of dead time in Maple
To use Padé approximation commands in Maple, use the “numapprox” library. To enable the library, put “with(numapprox)” on the line before the padé approximation command. Then, you can easily obtain a Pade-approximated transfer function by simply typing the following command.
In this example, the transfer function exp(-1s) of the dead time L=1[s] is Padé-approximated. The first argument of the “pade” function specifies the transfer function to be Padé-approximated, so “exp(-1s)” is used in this example. The “1” is written to indicate that the dead time is 1[s], but of course, there is no problem if the “1” is omitted. The second argument “s” specifies that this is a variable. The third argument [2, 2] is the order of the numerator of the transfer function after Padé approximation, and the second is the order of the denominator. When Padé approximating dead time, the denominator and numerator are usually of the same order.
Now, the result of the second-order Padé approximation is shown in the next equation. The form of the equation looks a little different from the second-order Padé approximation shown at the beginning of this article with “1” in “L”. It is just the denominator and numerator divided by “12”.
The step response of the rational transfer function for dead time with a second-order Padé approximation is shown in Figure 1. It can be seen that there is a time lag of approximately 1[s] with respect to the input. For reference, Figure 2 shows the step response for the third-order Padé approximation.
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