実際にシステムを制御する場合にはECU(Electronic Control Unit)によって実現することになります。これまではシステムを連続時間として考えてシステムの分析を行なってきましたが、ECUによって制御する場合にはシステムを離散時間として検討しなければなりません。今回の記事では離散時間としてシステムを検討する仕方と、離散時間として検討することによって連続時間では安定でも離散時間にすると不安定になってしまう例についても紹介したいと思います。
sys1 := TransferFunction(100/(s^2 + s + 100))
sys2 := SystemConnect(sys1, 1, connection = negativefeedback);
ResponsePlot(sys2, Step(), duration = 10, gridlines)
SP := 0.01:
sys2D := ToDiscrete(sys2, SP, method = forward):
ResponsePlot(sys2D, Step(sampletime = SP, samplecount = floor(10/SP), discrete = true));
sys2D_state := StateSpace(sys2D):
A := sys2D_state:-a
今回はシステムをECUによって制御する場合の、離散時間としての課題を見てきましたが、ECUを利用する場合には離散時間の課題だけでなく、ECUの入出力の分解能の課題もあります。 ECUの入出力の分解能が粗いと離散時間のステップが粗い場合と同じように安定しなくなる場合もあります。ECUを用いてシステムを制御する場合には、ECUの計算ステップや入出力の分解能をしっかりと検討しましょう。
The actual control of the system is realised by means of ECUs. In the previous articles, the system has been analysed as a continuous-time system, but when the system is controlled by an ECU(Electronic Control Unit), the system must be analysed as a discrete-time system. In this article, I would like to introduce how to analyse the system as a discrete-time system, and also examples where the system is stable in continuous time but becomes unstable in discrete time by analyzing the system as a discrete-time system.
Let's discretize a continuous-time system!
In this article, we will discretise a continuous-time system using Maple to see how the system behaves. We will first load the system-related libraries used in this article and the eigenvalue calculation library to determine the stability of the system.
In this article, the following transfer functions are discretised.
In Maple, transfer functions can be defined as a system with the following command.
sys1 := TransferFunction(100/(s^2 + s + 100))
In this article, we want to see how the system behaves by implementing control in the ECU, so we consider a feedback system as shown in Figure 1. For simplicity, we assume that the output is fed back and the difference from the target value is input to the target system. Note that the gain to the difference is set to ‘1’ for simplicity.
The Maple command to make the feedback system is as follows. The second argument is set to ‘1’ because there is no transfer function in the feedback line. Also, the third argument ‘connection’ is set to ‘negativefeedback’ because the feedback is combined with a negative value.
sys2 := SystemConnect(sys1, 1, connection = negativefeedback);
The transfer function of the fed back system is as follows.
Now let's look at the step response of the feedback system as it is in a continuous time system, the Maple command looks like this: we are going to look at the response up to 10[s], so we set the third argument ‘duration’ to ‘10’. The step response of a continuous-time system is shown in Figure 2. You can see that the system is oscillating but converging.
ResponsePlot(sys2, Step(), duration = 10, gridlines)
Now let's discretise the continuous-time system. First, set the sampling time to be discretised. Let's set the sampling time to 0.01 [s].
SP := 0.01:
The command to discretise the transfer function in Maple is as follows. Here, ‘method’ is set to ‘forward’ as the discretisation is done by forward differences.
sys2D := ToDiscrete(sys2, SP, method = forward):
Let's look at the discretised transfer function - here are the commands to look at the system in Maple.
The discretised system looks like this. As it is a discrete-time system, it is a function of ‘z’.
Now let's look at the step response of a discretised system: the step response of a discrete-time system in Maple can be seen with the following command. The step response is shown in Figure 3.
ResponsePlot(sys2D, Step(sampletime = SP, samplecount = floor(10/SP), discrete = true));
Huh? The response was converging in continuous time, but it's diverging. A system that is stable in a continuous-time system can become unstable when it is discretised.
Let's check the stability of a discrete-time system!
Now let's check the stability of the discrete-time system. First, we will convert the transfer of a discrete-time system into a state-space representation, the Maple commands are as follows
sys2D_state := StateSpace(sys2D):
To determine stability by the eigenvalues of the system matrix in the state-space model, the system matrix part is extracted from the model made into a state-space model. The Maple commands are as follows.
A := sys2D_state:-a
Calculate the eigenvalues of the extracted system matrix.
If the absolute value of all calculated eigenvalues is less than 1, the system is asymptotically stable. Note that if the value is ‘1’, the system is marginal stable, and several conditions are required for convergence. If you want to know more about this, read and learn from books.
If you calculate the absolute values of the eigenvalues of the system you have just described, you find that they are both greater than 1. That is why it is unstable and the step response has diverged.
Let's shorten the sampling time!
One of the causes of instability in a discrete-time system when the system is stable in a continuous-time system is the sampling time. If the sampling time is large, the system may become unstable. So let's look at the response of the system with a sampling time of 0.001[s]. Figure 4 shows the step response when the sampling time is set to 0.001 [s]. It can be seen that the system is converging. In addition, the absolute values of the eigenvalues are all smaller than ‘1’. When the target system is controlled by an ECU, the sampling time may cause system instability. Set the sampling time required for stabilisation according to the target system and the control system you have designed, after conducting a stability analysis.
Additional explanation
In this article, we have looked at the issues as discrete time when the system is controlled by ECUs, but when using ECUs, there are not only discrete time issues, but also issues with the resolution of the ECU inputs and outputs. If the resolution of the inputs and outputs of an ECU is coarse, the system may not be as stable as if the discrete-time steps were coarse; when using an ECU to control a system, the calculation steps and the resolution of the inputs and outputs of the ECU should be carefully considered.
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