In this article, we will use Maple to look at the step response and impulse response of the transfer function of the spring-mass damper system shown in Figure 1, which was derived in the article "Laplace Transform" in "Basic Control Engineering with Maple Volume 1". The Maple example introduced in this article is attached as a sample at the end of this article, so if you have Maple, please download it and refer to it.
Step Response
The step response is the response of the output, x(t) in the case of Figure 1, when a step-shaped input is given to the system f(t) in Figure 2. The step response is used to see how well the system follows the step input.
Let's look at the Step Response in Maple
Fill in the Maple worksheet as in the following "Maple command 1".
The first line is written to use the step response command; the second through fourth lines are for entering the values of the transfer function parameters. Using these values as default values, try changing each value and see how the step response changes.
Let's change the value of M as described in "Maple Command 2," setting the values from M1 to M3 and then using the "TransferFunction" command to set each transfer function as sys1 through sys3.
Filling in the commands as described in "Maple Command 3," the step response of the transfer function from sys1 to sys3 is displayed (Figure 3). The larger the value of M, the weight, the slower the response becomes, while the vibration is harder to damp.
Similarly, let us now change the damper resistance C (Figure 4). The larger the damper resistance C, the less it vibrates. On the other hand, the response is slower.
Finally, let's change the spring constant K (Figure 5). As the spring constant increases, the displacement is smaller because the spring force is greater, but the frequency of vibration is higher.
By looking at the step response as described above, we can see how fast the response is, how large the overshoot is, and how the system oscillates. It is a good first look at the response performance in controlling the system to the ideal behavior by adding control.
Let's see the response while moving the parameters easily
If you write a command like "Maple command 4," you can move the slider to see the response as shown in Figure 6.
Impulse Response
While the step response was given a step input as shown in Figure 2, the impulse response is given an impulse input as shown in Figure 7, and then the response is observed. While the step response looks at how well the system follows the input, the impulse response looks at the effect of the input disturbance on the system.
Let's look at the Impulse Response in Maple
Fill in the Maple worksheet as in the following "Maple command 5." If you are entering the command in the same worksheet as the step response worksheet, the "with(DynamicSystems):" command has already been entered, so there is no need to enter it again. If you are creating a new worksheet that is separate from the step response worksheet, the "with(DynamicSystems):" command should be placed first. This command is required to use the impulse response commands.
When the command is filled in and executed as described in "Maple Command 5," the impulse response can be viewed as shown in Figure 8. Similar to the step response, the impulse response of the transfer function from sys1 to sys3 is displayed ( Figure 8 ). The larger the value of M, which is the weight, the harder it is for the impulse input to have an effect, in other words, the harder it is for the peak to rise, but the harder it is for the vibration to be damped.
Similarly, now let's look at the damper resistance C differently (Figure 9). The larger the damper resistance C, the less the effect of the input disturbance.
Let's also change the spring constant K (Figure 10). As the spring constant increases, the amplitude change due to impulse input is suppressed and damping is faster, but the frequency is also higher.
By looking at the impulse response as described above, we can see the effects of impulse input disturbances on the system. When designing control, we must consider not only the performance of following the target, but also the effects of disturbances. The step response and impulse response introduced here are one of the basics of response that should be known when controlling a system. There are various types of response that should be looked at for different purposes, so please take a look at various types of response performance according to your own objectives.
Let's see the response while moving the parameters easily
As with the step response, the impulse response can be viewed by moving the slider. If you write a command like "Maple command 6," you can use the slider to change the parameters as shown in Figure 11.
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