ゲイン余裕 10[dB]以上
位相余裕 45[deg]以上
In the previous article, we looked at step response, which is the response to a constant input, and impulse response, which is the response to an instantaneous disturbance. In this article, we will look at the response of the target system to a time-varying input. However, since there is no limit to looking at the response to a freely varying input without defining the input at all, we will generally evaluate the system's response to a sine waveform at various frequencies. Briefly, it looks at what happens to the output of the target system when the ω of Sin(ωt) is changed from small (low frequency) to large (high frequency). Various frequency responses have also been proposed, including Bode plot, Nyquist plot, and Nichols chart. In this article, we will look at Bode plot, which are often used in development.
What's a Bode plot?
As mentioned earlier, the input to the target system is a Sine waveform, Sin(ωt). The Bode diagram plots the change in gain magnitude (Magunitude plot) and phase change (Phase plot) of the target system when the frequency of this Sine waveform, ω, is changed from small to large. For the Magunitude plot, the horizontal axis is frequency (ω) and the vertical axis is Magunitude [dB] for the Magunitude plot, and for the Phase plot, the horizontal axis is frequency (ω) and the vertical axis is Phase [deg] for the advance phase (positive) or delay phase (negative) is plotted. The figure will look like Figure 1 shown below, which will be explained later.
Transfer function of Second-order system
In the previous article, we looked at the response of a spring-mass damper system when the transfer function parameters (weight, spring constant, and damper coefficient) are varied, and now we would like to look at the response using the transfer function of a second-order system. We have targeted the transfer function of a second-order system for the purpose of this introduction because it is useful to easily analyze the response of a system by applying the transfer function form of a second-order system.
The transfer function of a second-order system takes the form of the following equation. The response of a transfer function of this form can be inferred from the values of the transfer function parameters, natural angular frequency ω and damping ratio ζ.
A little apology here, but most textbooks use ωn (n is a subscript) for this natural angular frequency to distinguish it from ω in the input Sin(ωt). In my Maple, it is recognized as a number sequence when ωn (n is a subscript) is used, and I could not get it to work. Therefore, the natural angular frequency of the transfer function of the second-order system is also set to the same letter as the input frequency, ω. Please understand that the input frequency, ω, and the second-order system, ω, are two completely different things, ω.
Let us look at the Bode plot when this natural angular frequency ω and damping ratio ζ are varied in the next section.
ω:Natural angular frequency
ζ:Damping ratio
Let's look at the Bode plot in Maple
Figure 1 shows the Bode plot of the transfer function ω for a second-order system, and Figure 2 shows the Bode plot when ζ is varied. First, a brief explanation of this Bode plot is that the Magunitude plot (upper side) peaks as the input frequency increases and then declines to the right. Since the gain has a peak greater than zero, the output is greater than the input before and after the peak input frequency. After that, the gain falls to the right below zero, so the output becomes smaller as the input frequency increases. In short, in this system, you can see that nothing like high-frequency noise appears in the output. Conversely, it can be said that the system does not respond to input at high frequencies.
The phase plot (lower side) also declines to the right and approaches -180[deg] (not -180[deg]) as the input frequency increases. This means that as the input frequency increases, the output phase lags behind the input.
As you can see in Figure 1, the frequency of the input that causes the peak of the Magnitude plot and the delay of the Phase plot to increase changes as you change the natural angular frequency ω of the second-order system. This is the input frequency at which the value of natural angular frequency ω peaks and the phase is -90[deg]. Incidentally, as you can see from the change in damping ratio ζ in Figure 2, as you increase the damping ratio ζ, the peak disappears and the slope of the phase plot becomes more gradual. The natural angular frequency ω is said to be the position of the peak, but if there is no peak, it is the approximate position where the magnitude plot begins to fall.
Next, let us take the case where the natural angular frequency ω = 1 and the damping ratio ζ = 0.1 as an example to see the output response when the input frequency is changed. Figure 3 shows the Bode plot when natural angular frequency ω = 1 and damping ratio ζ = 0.1, and Figure 4 shows the output response when the input is sin(t) and sin(1.5t) for that system.
If the input is sin(t), which is 1[rad/s], the peak of the Magunitude plot, the output is greater than the input amplitude "1", right? Conversely, for the input sin(1.5t) with an input frequency of 1.5[rad/s], which is below 0[dB] in the Magunitude plot, the output is smaller than the input amplitude "1," right? Further, the larger the input frequency, the less it appears in the output.
A sample worksheet for Maple is included at the end of this article. If you have Maple, you can try changing the natural angular frequency ω and damping ratio ζ, or actually change the input frequency and see how the output changes to gain a better understanding.
【Supplementary information】 Step response of second-order system
Above we have seen the Bode plot of the transfer function of a second-order system, but now let us also see what happens to the step response when the natural angular frequency ω and damping ratio ζ are changed. Figure 5 shows the step response of the transfer function of the second-order system when ω is varied and Figure 6 shows the step response when ζ is varied.
We can see that as the natural angular frequency ω increases, the frequency of the vibration is increasing. In fact, the number of peaks has not changed, so the waveform looks as if it is being pushed to convergence in a squeezed and short time.
Let's take a look at the damping ratio ζ. As the damping ratio increases, the output waveform no longer oscillates.
Gain Margin and Phase Margin
Another important factor in Bode plot is the Gain Margin and Phase Margin, which are one of the indicators of stability of the system. If the system is such that there is no system deviation or input error at all, zero stability margin ( Gain Margin and Phase Margin) may be acceptable (negative values are unstable), but this is rarely the case, so it is necessary to have a certain stability margin. The following is a rough guideline of the stability margin based on our experience. The figures may vary from book to book, but they are generally similar.
An Empirical Guideline for Gain Margin and Phase Margin
Gain Margin 10[dB] or more
Phase Margin 45[deg] or more
Then, let's take a look at the stability margin of the target system from the Bode plot.
Gain Margin
It is the difference from the gain value on the Magunitude plot to 0[dB] at the input frequency that is -180[deg] on the Phase plot. For example, if the Magunitude plot indicates a reading of -20[dB], the Gain Margin is 20[dB]. Note that the sign of the reading and the Gain Margin value are reversed. Since this is not an absolute value, a Gain Margin of 20[dB] in the Magunitude plot reading will conversely be negative and unstable.
Phase Margin
This is the phase value based on -180[deg] of the phase value in the Phase plot at the input frequency below zero in the Magunitude plot. For example, if -100[deg] is 80[deg] greater than -180[deg], the phase margin is 80[deg]. If it becomes lower than -180[deg], it becomes unstable.
Now let's actually look at the Gain Margin and Phase Margin from the Bode plot. Since the phase plot never falls below -180[deg] in a second-order system, let us look at the following third-order transfer function as an example this time. The Bode plot of this transfer function is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7 shows that the gain at the input frequency that is -180[deg] in the Phase plot is about -19.1[dB], so the gain margin is 19.1[dB].
Next is the Phase Margin. The phase at the input frequency below 0[dB] in the Magunitude plot is about -103.4[deg], so the Phase Margin is 76.6[deg].
The Gain Margin and Phase Margin of the transfer function that we have seen again satisfy the guideline values, so we can say that the system is stable.
So what are the benefits of having Gain Margin & Phase Margin?
Simply saying, it means that the input gain can still be increased if there is enough Gain Margin or Phase Margin. As the gain is increased, the gain Magunitude plot (the upper side of the Bode plot) is offset upward. The position at which the Magunitude plot falls below zero moves to the right, and since the Gain and Phase plots generally show that both gain and phase decrease as the frequency increases, the phase corresponding to the frequency at which the Gain plot falls to zero moves further to the slow side, and the Phase Margin also decreases. Therefore, the gain corresponding to a phase of -180[deg] also increases, and the Gain Margin also decreases. If the margin becomes small, even a slight disturbance may exceed the stability margin and cause instability, or simply put, a strange or undesirable response. For this reason, the system must have a certain amount of stability margin (Gain Margin and Phase Margin) so that even a slight disturbance will not cause instability.
Created by Maple 2023.2