

Today, we're diving into a fascinating debate topic: Should Japanese travelers choose California or London as their dream destination? It's a decision many people ponder when planning a trip, and it can be quite a delightful dilemma. Let's take a quick look at the pros and cons of each place to get you started on this exciting debate.

California: The Sunny State


  1. Sunshine: California is known for its sunny weather, making it perfect for those who love a warm climate.

  2. Beautiful Beaches: The state boasts stunning beaches like Santa Monica and Malibu, perfect for sunbathing and relaxation.

  3. Theme Parks: With Disneyland and Universal Studios, California offers thrilling adventures for families and fun-seekers.

  4. Diverse Culture: Cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco celebrate cultural diversity, giving you a taste of various cuisines and traditions.

  5. Natural Beauty: Don't miss out on the breathtaking national parks like Yosemite and Joshua Tree, where you can explore stunning landscapes and wildlife.


  1. Long Flights: Traveling from Japan to California can be tiring, with flights taking many hours.

  2. Costly: California can be expensive, from accommodation to dining out, so budgeting is essential.

  3. Limited Public Transport: You might find it challenging to get around without a car in California, as public transport isn't as widespread.

London: The British Capital


  1. Rich History: London is steeped in history, with iconic landmarks like the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace.

  2. World-Class Museums: Enjoy many free museums, such as the British Museum, offering a deep dive into art and culture.

  3. Excellent Public Transport: London's buses and the famous Underground (Tube) make it easy to explore the city.

  4. Diverse Cuisine: Sample a variety of international foods in London's diverse neighborhoods, offering everything from Indian to Chinese cuisine.

  5. English Practice: If you want to improve your English, London is the place to be, surrounded by native speakers.


  1. Unpredictable Weather: London's weather can be a bit unpredictable, so be prepared for rain and cloudy days.

  2. Crowded Attractions: Popular tourist spots like Buckingham Palace can get crowded, so planning ahead is wise.

  3. Higher Costs: While affordable options are available, London can be pricey, especially when it comes to accommodation and dining.


So, which side of this debate are you on? Choosing between California's sunny beaches and London's rich history is no easy task. Both destinations offer unique experiences and memories waiting to be made. Analyse your interests and preferences, and you'll be well on your way to deciding whether to surf the Californian waves or explore the historic streets of London.

Now, take your stance, and support it with two reasons! See you in our debate.
