In Japan, it is common that companies have its retirement age system (定年制) where people have to retire when they reach a certain age. Even though retirement ages could vary depending on company sizes and business fields, it is typically the age of 60 or later. When people hit the age and retire, they usually get flowers and give a speech in front of the whole department, and often they are like, "Okay, now what?"
In fact, the retirement age system in NOT a legal requirement, which means that we don't have to have that system, but most of the companies in Japan still do.
Now, I want you to take a moment to think about it. Why do we have this system? Everyone has different working capacity and skills. Is it always effective to make people retire when they hit a certain age? Is it the best way to draw a line for them?
If you are a boss and have a good worker who is over 60 years old, I bet you still want to keep that person. He/she must have so much working experience, and it seems appropriate to let him/her utilize for whatsoever, like company profits or a purpose of living. Why do we just kick those people out of office only because of his/her age?
Additionally, we hear that re-employment system (再雇用制度) is getting common; this way, companies can keep skilled workers with lower wage. This could be another piece of non-age, or I should call it as "Japan-only", because people retire only because of their ages and hire them again. What's the point?
Well, you probably are thinking that the retirement age system is a good way to make some room for young people. If skilled workers stay hold onto their positions, it would be harder for young people to get a job, especially when we acknowledge that our life expectancy is getting longer and longer. This could be one of the main arguments from the disagreeing side on this debate.
So, the debate topic is; should we abolish the retirement age system in Japan?
Here are some information sources for you. According to one of the surveys, 56% of people think that we need the retirement age system, but it's so close!
Remember, we are only debating about the case in Japan. Allow me therefore to introduce Japanese articles. They should help you!
I recommend that you make a list of pros and cons. What if we actually abolish the system? What is going to happen? Who will benefit from it, and who won't? Is their benefit more meaningful than the disadvantage?
I expect you to fully expand your critical thinking.
See you in my lessons!