
田舎暮らし体験記「休日の温泉一泊旅行」編-Rural Life Experience “An overnight trip to a hot spring on holiday”ed.-

I got 2 days off and visited a town which is famous for hot springs. 

30分程度の温泉ウォッチング/Hot springs watching about 30 minutes 
終始硫黄のかおりに包まれる/I can always smell sulfur in the walking track.


I soaked in a mud spa and hot springs after walking. Those were not really special.
I took Uber and headed to a hill for wine tasting with the smell of sulfur.

ワイナリーへはゴンドラを使って/Taking gondola to the winery. 
5種類の国産ワインを試飲/Tasted 5 different tastes of domestic wine. 
間違いなくシェアする用の量のパン/A lot of breads for sharing 
帰りは足湯に浸かる/Soaked in the foot bath on the way to a accommodation. 

I stayed one night at the accommodation that I booked via Airbnb. I can still smell sulfur from my body although I took a shower.

On the 2nd day, I went to a local cafe at 7am.

お店のWi-Fiを使ってnoteを書く/Write note using wifi in the cafe.
お高いエッグベネディクト/Very expensive egg benedict

Next is riding a mountain bike.

森の中を走る/Run in a forest. 
それらしい写真が撮れた/Looks nice picture, isn’t it?
初心者コースだけどかなり本格的/I chose the route for beginner but it was very hard and authentic. 
遅めのランチ/Late lunch 
夕方の散歩/Walking in the evening


My friend picked me up in the town and  got home safely. 
I did laundry twice, but my clothes are still smell sulfur. Those were some of my favorite clothes. I can also smell it from my body. 
