田舎暮らし体験記「オリーブの収穫」編-Rural Life Experience “Harvesting of Olives”ed.-
オリーブと言えば、John Everett Millaisの”The Return of the Dove to the Ark”(「方舟への鳩の帰還」)を思い出す。深い緑が印象的。
I moved to a rural area from a big city. This time, I’m going to write about the harvesting of olives there.
Olives remind me of John Everett Millais' "The Return of the Dove to the Ark", with its impressive deep green color.
I think the Bible says that after the Flood that God caused, the people on the Ark released crows and doves some times, and finally, a dove returned with olive leaves (i.e., the water receded).

I guess the olive must mean something very peaceful, since the flag of the United Nations even has olives on it.
Now the main story. One by one about the harvesting.

Literally this “peaceful” life will last until the middle of next month. I will move to other city.