
田舎暮らし体験記「何度目かのハイキング(そして田舎ではWi-Fiが生命線)」編-Rural Life Experience “Hiking for the Umpteenth Time (And Wi-Fi is a lifeline in rural areas)”ed.-


That reminds me that I did hiking before I got here.
The Wi-Fi in my place has been down for the past few days due to a broken router or something, and my carrier's connection is not stable. I'll use the moment in the morning when the Wi-Fi miraculously connected to post this.

今回はこの山へ登る/I’m going to hike this mountain. 
歩き始めて数分、すでに眺めが美しい/It’s a beautiful view where a few minutes from the bottom. 
水平線が見える/I can see the horizon. 
なんの変哲もない頂上/An unremarkable summit
海沿いのルートを通って下山/Walk down the seaside route. 
街が見える/I can see the town. 

After that, I went to a pool. The seawater sting my eyes. 
And I visited the local hair salon that I booked. 

思ったよりもハイクオリティ/It was better quality that expected.
レストラン&バーみたいなところに入り早めの夕食/I had dinner at like a restaurant & pub
おいしい&お高い夕飯/Have nice and expensive dinner
