
たまには外に出てみる日もある。”登るのは、そこに山があるからではなく、それしかすることがないから”編 -Sometimes I feel like going out. ”Climb not because there are mountains there. Because it is the only thing I can do here.”ed.-

This is a diary of my trip to an uninhabited island.

I boarded the ferry to the island at the city's ferry terminal a little after 9am.

シティのフェリー乗り場には豪華客船的なものもよく停泊している/I can often see big ships like luxury cruise ships at the city’s ferry terminal. 

The ferry arrived at the island terminal in about 30 minutes. (I didn’t take much photos as usual. Because I always feel trouble. My friend who visited there with me gave me many photos after our trip. Thanks my friend.)
There are toilets, but no rubbish bins and no any shops or restaurants. But there were some buildings called “batch” that used to be holiday houses once. And I saw shadows of people in some of them.


I climbed up from the seaside toward the summit.

フェリー乗り場と遠くに見えるシティ/The wharf and the city in the distance
光がさすと独特の色味が出て美しい/When sunlight falls on the water surface, it turns unique and beautiful colors. 
長い橋のようなものがかかっている。両側とも海。/There is a kind of a long bridge. Both sides are the sea.

火山島だけあって、地面や岩が黒かったり赤かったり。詳しいことはよく知らない。/It’s a volcanic island, as expected the ground and rocks are black and red. I don’t know much. 
海辺でひとやすみ。こんなに寒いのにと思いながら海に入っている人たちを眺める。/I took a break at the beach. I saw people in the sea and wondered why they were in it when it’s so cold. 

There was a small cave.

暗くて何がなんだかよくわからない。スマホのライトを最大限の明るさにして歩く。/It was too dark to see what’s going on. I walked with my phone light on maximum brightness. 

It took me about 4 hours, with breaks in between. Finally, I reached the summit.

数時間登ると島と海が見える/I can see the island and the sea after a few hours climbing. 

Before I knew it, I was already down the mountain and arrived at the ferry terminal. Because as expected, I didn’t take any photos.

風強すぎ。寒すぎ。ウルトラライトダウン持ってきてよかった。/It was too windy and too cold. I was happy I brought my jacket. 

I had a Korean dinner after the trip. It made my body warm. 


I’m happy I was able to return home safely and without injury. The trip isn’t over until I get back home.
The next day, my legs got sore. 
