Memory of ”Spank the Monkey”
Spank The Monkey
27 September 2006 - 7 January 2007
2006年にイギリスのニューカッスルの美術館BALTIC CENTREで行われたこの展覧会はグラフィックデザイン、グラフィティ、マンガ、スケートボード、サーフィンなど世界中の都市を拠点とするアーティストが参加する、ストリートアートと伝統的なアートスペースの間のギャップを埋め本格的に国際的に検証する初めての展覧会です。
青島千穂, Banksy, Dzine, Dr. Lakra, FAILE, Freaks Gallery, Shepard Fairey, Groovisions, Invader, Kozyndan, Barry Mcgee, Ryan Mcginness, 村上隆, Miss Van, Neasden Control Centre, Os Gemeos, David Shrigley, Natasha Struchkova, Swoon, タカノ綾, Ed Templeton,米原康正。
This exhibition will be the first serious international examination of urban and suburban art bridging the gap between the street and the traditional art space. With strong links to graphic design, graffiti, manga comics, skate boarding and surfing this group show includes artists based in urban centres across the world. Work will also be seen outside BALTIC with large-scale public interventions in both Gateshead and Newcastle.
Spank the Monkey presents twenty-two artists from urban centres across the world. Including: Chiho Aoshima, Banksy, Dzine, Dr. Lakra, FAILE, Freaks Gallery, Shepard Fairey, Groovisions, Invader, Kozyndan, Barry Mcgee, Ryan Mcginness, Takashi Murakami, Miss Van, Neasden Control Centre, Os Gemeos, David Shrigley, Natasha Struchkova, Swoon, Aya Takano, Ed Templeton,Yasumasa Yonehara.
photography by YASUMASA YONEHARA